Clever Girl

September 22nd, 2007

Clever Girl: A Hermione Granger Community


September 22nd, 2007

Fic: After Happily Ever After, PG-13, Harry/Hermione

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First post here! Just realized that my current WIP would be appropriate to post to this community. This is x-posted, so apologies if you've seen this more than once.

Title: After Happily Ever After (2/?)
Author: [info]sdk
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Harry/Hermione, Ron
Rating: PG-13 (this part)
Genre: Romance/Friendship
Length/Word Count: Chaptered, 1042 words (this part)
Summary: Thirty-two years later...
Warnings: DH Spoilers, Epilogue compliant
Notes: This fic started out from a prompt for [info]random_loves Birthday. She requested Harry and Hermione falling in love at age 50/51. Not an affair. Special thanks to [info]quite_grey for the beta! Any remaining mistakes belong to me. Comments and Concrit are welcome and greatly appreciated!
Disclaimer: The following is based on fictional characters that I don't own doing fictional things in a fictional world that I didn't create. No copyright infringement intended, no money's being made.

Start with Part One

Go on to Part Two

Fic: No need for Jealousy (Ron/ Hermione/ Harry)

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Title: No Need for Jealousy
Author/Artist: [info]sweet_lemmon
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Ron/Hermione/Harry
Summary: They were her boys.
Word Count: 3,904
Warnings (if any): threesome, public sex, dirty talking, some jealousy, humor, and 'cuteness'.
Author's Notes: I wrote this for "ozma_katiebell" for [info]hp_summersmut.
Lots of Thank you's "ladybluestar" for the beta. You were a life safer, dear. :)
This was my first trio fic, and I think I'm satisfied with the result. :)

No need for Jealousy
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