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[Mon Aug 23, 2010 at 12:45pm]

well this place is a ghost town.


[Wed Jul 07, 2010 at 10:11pm]

Hello again, everyone! This is Eythn and he's a demon summoner witch (who can pack a punch) who is rather shy and owns a small book store here. He got everything settled before he came here and JUST got here. He's got a rather large apartment for just himself and is thinking of getting a room mate who can keep their mouth shut if they figure out what he's doing. He's very well mannered and comes from Louisiana and has the cajun accent when he talks long enough - he tires to hide it but something like that is really hard to hide. He will need people to help him with the books (especially with the up keep of the older books) and someone to pull him out in the open eventually.

He's under contract with a demon so yeah - need him. (And maybe they could bug the crap out of Ai? :D)

Lines please~
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[Tue Jul 06, 2010 at 11:40pm]
I want some lines for Zoe :[

and the mod totally needs to add her journal so we can all be frannnns

another sad face :[
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[Sun Jun 20, 2010 at 8:57pm]

So um, I lost all the threads. O.o They disappeared off of the friends page and I already deleted the e-mails and emptied the bin.
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[Sat Jun 19, 2010 at 10:49pm]

Kyle's new face is Kyle Loza. I have a soft spot for BMX riders.....idk why :/
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[Thu Jun 17, 2010 at 5:37pm]
Hello everyone! This is Amber with my girl, Zoe. She's looking for the "creature" who murdered her brother back when she was seventeen. I'm going with that it was a shifter, but she had found the person who did it yet. She's working as a waitress at Kyle's bar and is one of the few humans to know of the existence of the supernatural.

she needs some linessssss.
right now she's a mess and has really pushed a lot of people from her past away from her. She no longer talks to her parents and is out on her own.
she's down to party.

let's make some funnnnnn
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[Sat Jun 05, 2010 at 1:02am]

This is Summer-s and here is a little info on Samy. Samy is a happy go lucky guy, that is a fangbanger trying to become an ex-fangbanger but is somewhat failing miserably at it. He likes to have fun and hang out a clubs so that he can meet people. Which he likes to do. He does drink but knows which types of liquor can get him into trouble and which ones he can not. He likes making new friends so don't be afraid to talk to him. He can be hyper at times but he is one that enjoys having fun. Boredom is something he doesn't like even though it does sometimes happen to him.
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AIM - looney Lucern [Fri Jun 04, 2010 at 4:31pm]

I got SERIOUSLY back tracked with the whole mess of these past two weeks. >.< If I have threads ongoing or need to post one for someone, can you let me know? Thanks guys. :/
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[Tue Jun 01, 2010 at 3:58pm]

This lost little boy, well vampire is Malach. He was born and raised in Seattle and sort of stumbled into Edmonds recently. As of maybe a month or so ago he was a boy living on the streets with his friends making a living at selling the only thing he has, his body. He knows pretty much nothing about being a vampire other than he hates it. His sire sort of created him and then dumped him to fend for himself. Which is why he is a lost boy. Up until his change he had been vegetarian, he was raised that way, so he seriously hates drinking blood. He was also raised Wiccan and while he doesn't practice and hasn't for some time he still remembers a lot about it. He needs someone to take him under their wing ([info]lucern hahaha) and show him the ropes or something like that. Right now he'd really just like a safe place to spend the day.
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[Thu May 27, 2010 at 11:52am]

I have totally been here the whole time... >.>

Hey guys, this is Anais. She's an Elemental Witch, and the owner of The Apothecary (original name, hey?) She's way old, but has the skill to blend into the crowds so you wouldn't think she's any different from any other late-twenties/early-thirties type person. I would love anything you guys have to offer me!

EDIT; Its safe to assume that any of the supernatural beings (here's looking at you, weres and vamps) wouldn't go to a regular old doctor. They would most likely come to Ana for their healing needs.
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[Wed May 26, 2010 at 8:19pm]

Hello, everyone. This is Kyle. Say hello to Kyle.
He owns a popular club downtown. He's the drug lord of the city, no deals go down unless if he says so and everyone that deals...they get it from him. He's got the connections and knows ALL.
Okay! So Kyle is sarcastic, from Boston and taken by Kat. He's the older brother of Bailey and he's quiet the bad ass.
Anyone need some lines? Help a brother outttttttt :]
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[Mon May 24, 2010 at 8:57pm]

Would anyone know someone who would play Adrien Brody?

Picture )
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[Fri May 21, 2010 at 6:59pm]

Hello everyone, this is Lenore (but to some is known as Evelyn from other vampiric games ♥). She's your typical 22-year-old, partying, looking for love and feeling like she has nothing to live for. She just moved back from going to New York for art school, and though some of her paintings have sold, she isn't quiet happy with her life. She's come back home to try and find what she's missing in her life. She has a few friends that she went to high school with, an enemy *coughRIOTcough* and...hopefully a vampire that catches her interest. Now, she doesn't believe in the supernatural and laughs off the thought.

so, anyone wanting some lines? :]
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[Fri May 21, 2010 at 3:40pm]

This is Lucern's player with my second character, Aiyana Jezebel Midnight. It's a mouthful, I know. She's a succubus who's been banned to live on Earth because of an attention grabbing stunt she pulled to get Lucifer to look at her. She's the bubbly in your face kind of person and she's hiding out as a human until she can go back. She pretends she's Japanese for the most part because she gets away with it. I've got a few lines open to be taken but anything else is open for discussion. She doesn't care about gender when it comes to lovers and she wants to open a strip club so she doesn't have to feed all the time. Sex is fun for her but the feeding gets annoying, no matter how much she needs it to live. She's rather interesting all in all and is in love with the style of clothing she found recently.

I'm on her AIM if you like. MidnightsBel
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[Wed May 19, 2010 at 5:23pm]

My final character! This is Andrea Desmond. She's an exotic dancer, and the life of the party. She lives in a shitty downtown apartment with her dog, Anuuk. She's always in the mood for adventure. Oh, did I mention she's a werewolf? She's definitely in need of a few lovers and some friends. I'm really open for any lines with her!
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[Mon May 17, 2010 at 11:30pm]

hokay, jessica here with my third character! this is noelle beaumont, a vampire from france, and she is phoenix's "little sister". long story short, she's an absolute bitch, and she doesn't believe that humans and vampires should interact or have relationships beyond that of hunter and prey. she definitely needs lines! maybe someone could prove her wrong about humans, but she really doubts it.
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[Mon May 17, 2010 at 4:14pm]

Character two, finally! This is Delilah Welch. She's a model, musician, drug addict, and a train wreck of a girl. She's human, but she's well aware of the supernatural, afterall, she's madly in love with the vampire Phoenix Raines Ranes. However, it may be a while before the two reconcile after everything that has taken place between them, so Delilah could use someone to toy around with until then. I'm open for pretty much anything with her, I'm excited to bring her back to life, so to speak!
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[Sun May 16, 2010 at 9:52pm]

Character one! This is Katherine Johnson. Call her "Kat", but never "Kitty" or she'll sock you in the mouth. She's a roller derby girl, a bartender, not to mention a pretty wicked witch. She's has a pretty awesome "ball-and-chain" (I think?), Bailey's brother Kyle. I'm open for lines, so, if anyone has any ideas, my AIM is xxSturnxx.
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