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August 1st, 2010

[info]peja in [info]ckos

authors choice #119 - Winner takes all

today's daily is...

authors choice #119 - Winner takes all - any pairing - any length:

Its a night of games for your characters. Poker, preferred, but you can opt for something else. Can be a friendly game between friends (or enemies) or something more sinister...for instance a game to win a night with a non-player, or the player of choice. Be daring...Let your imagination take you to places it's never been. Have fun, guys and Write on!!!

Please link back to this site when using the prompts on other sites so interested folk can find it easily

[info]peja in [info]ckos

Fic: Peacock's Village

Title: Peacock's Village
Author: PEJA
Summary: John Steed finds a place of peace
Fandom: The Avengers (BBC)
Characters/Pairing (portrayed by): John Steed/Mother [Patrick Macnee/Patrick Newell]
Rating: FRT
Prompt: this weeks prompt from the LJ authors choice #113 - Peacock's Village - any pairing - any length:
Use the phrase "Peacock's village" in a story. Can be the obvious local attraction, or a phrase to represent, whatever the words create for you.
Warnings: ShortFic
Genre: (General/hetero/slash) Slash
Series: (y/no) Heavens no...
Series URL:
Previous stories [title & URL]: Again none
Chapter number if WIP:
Previous chapters or series at:
Sand-box [open series]: Yes, if ya got the stone
Permission to archive to WWOMB: Yes
Acknowledgments/Notes: Thanks to the Linebyline comm, who inspired the slash kingdom expanded prompt. FYI, I wrote this fandom (first time) because the prompt just screamed John Steed for me, so there. Also thanks Kerensa, for the beta. 'Preciate it.
Disclaimer. The BBC series, The Avengers, does not belong to me. no money made in this
This was written for my own pleasure, cuz I've never seen John Steed slash and wanted to play there. If anyone knows of some....?

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