The City of New Hope

March 5th, 2009

March 5th, 2009

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WHO: Warren Peace & OPEN(preferably someone he hasn't met in a 3rd person thread)
WHAT: Ever wonder what makes New Hope tick? What sort of system keeps it up and running seamlessly, day in and day out, without any seeming need for repair? (Yet, that is...) Now is the chance for your character to find out, as they discover the 'mainframe' of the city. (Note: Security measures are in place so if your character isn't capable of bypassing them intentionally or otherwise, they might want to partner up!)
WHEN: Afternoon
WHERE: Center of the city
STATUS: Incomplete

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Who: Anna Milton and Open.
What: No city is complete without a means of defense. Therefore, weapons are the order of the day. Your character finds a small stockpile of firearms and other 'tools of the trade'. Ammunition is scarce, however. Use it wisely.
When: Late evening.
Where: In a building that looked like it was probably an old Police Station
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

Well, why not? )
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