Oct. 1st, 2015


Hi guys,

Just a quick apology for my stupid slowness. I will get back to all the tags I owe as soon as this trade fair is out of the way (might even be free a bit friday evening, we'll see, no promises) - So Saturday night and Sunday I will hopefully get caught up.

If anyone wants mine feel free to discuss plots here or via email or AIM.

Sorry again,

~The Doctor (Tenth), Dr. John Smith, Dr. Rodney McKay, Anders Johnson ~

Sep. 11th, 2015


Hey guys,

Just a quick head's up. Haven't been feeling that great this week and can't look at computer screen for long. I have been writing up tags and posts in a notebook though, so soon as I can hack longer in front of a screen I'll put them all up.

~ Jeds
(The Doctor, John Smith, Anders Johnson & Rodney McKay)