city of angelenos

an LA based panfandom rpg

Something strange is happening in Los Angeles. The City of Angels has suddenly become a hotspot of cosmic, time-space continuum activity. People are being dragged in from across time and space. The multiverse itself is being dumped out in Los Angeles and no one knows why or how to stop it.


July 28th, 2016




[info]cityofangelenos Heaven?




Huh. This isn't my LA... I mean, it's still LA, but...not? I wonder if my people are here...? Cristina? Julian? Mark? Anyone?




[info]cityofangelenos feels like I'm in LA, but...hmm. Some kind of trickery on the faeries' part? That doesn't seem right, either...




I'd say take me home, but this might actually be better.......




Hey! Where did the Institute go? Emma? Do you have any idea what's going on?




This place is super sunny..... Blaine? Blaine, please tell me that you're here. Kurt? Rachel? Artie?




Now I'm not going to know what happens with Sectionals.




OOC: lots of Spanish cursing

No me gusta. (More Spanish cursing)




Who: Selina and Clark
When: Thursday afternoon
Where: Around
What: Exploring
Status/Rating: Closed- On going/ Low

After spending a little more time on that network, Selina would finally agree to meet Clark at the specified location he had given her. Blonde short hair would be let loose as usual, her attire would be casual and simple. This place was nothing like back home, for instance, it was cleaner and the air was polluted. At least not as polluted. Still, Clark was yummy and Selina was bored. Once that location came into view, she would come to a halt. Only to glance about for the moment. Finally, that males figure came to view.

Lips curls into a light smirk. Still, he was better than another tall brooding man she knew from back home. She did wonder from time to time how he was holding up without here there. Her smirking coming flat for a second, but once Clark came into more focus, that man in mask was pushed aside.

“Clark?” She said making sure that was him.