city of angelenos

an LA based panfandom rpg

Something strange is happening in Los Angeles. The City of Angels has suddenly become a hotspot of cosmic, time-space continuum activity. People are being dragged in from across time and space. The multiverse itself is being dumped out in Los Angeles and no one knows why or how to stop it.


July 22nd, 2016




​If anyone is doing this Pokemon go and are looking for a Snorlax​? Go look around Chinese Theater .

" I Do​​n​'​t really know if one​s​ there"




So it trun out that Wolfram & Hart's Los Angeles office are ​not behind this.




Star​ted​ at the ​b​ar name Tiki-Ti and end up at The Roger Room but I couldn't found Trigger anywhere in that bar.




May your sin​s​ f​o​ll​ow​ you to hell




It appears the only interesting thing to happen in my absence is people now have the capability of catching Dratinis at the beach. I do not quite understand the excitement.



voice post;

Elena? Caroline? Are you still here?

[almost inaudible]
Please tell me you're still here.



voice post;

Hello? Can I really talk on this? Has anyone seen my parents? Jonathan and Martha Kent?



Voice Post

Hello... Scott? Stiles? Malia? Anyone here? Where the hell am I...?




This isn't New York....




Where the hell am I