city of angelenos

an LA based panfandom rpg

Something strange is happening in Los Angeles. The City of Angels has suddenly become a hotspot of cosmic, time-space continuum activity. People are being dragged in from across time and space. The multiverse itself is being dumped out in Los Angeles and no one knows why or how to stop it.


March 15th, 2016




Well, isn't this an interesting turn of events.




I've been to LA before and there is something off about this place.



Filtered from Sylar.

What's the proper etiquette when faced with someone who murdered you? I can never remember.




who: Cameron [info]diedforyou & Kirsten [info]iheartlinus
what: Cam arriving and getting Stretch
when: After this
where: Welcome Center
rating: Probably low

The last thing Cameron remembered was making the decision to inject himself - essentially kill himself - so that Kirsten could stitch into him )




who: Bellamy [info]whoweneedtobe & Clarke [info]borninspace
what: Awkward Morning After thanks to a drunken hook-up!
when: Late morning/early afternoon?
where: Clarke's apartment.
rating: PG-13

maybe the sun's light will be dim and it won't matter anyhow. if morning's echo says we sinned, well it was what i wanted now.Read more... )




What the hell?





Anyone from Star City out there?




Oh my lanta...



I don't recall planning to visit LA.

Boys answer me now.

Steph? Kimmy?





who: Bellamy [info]whoweneedtobe & Octavia [info]grounderpounder
what: Octavia catches Bellamy doing the Walk of Shame.
when: Right after this
where: The Blakes' apartment
rating: TBD

His ears were still burning from embarrassment and his head was still pounding from the hangover, making the process of unlocking the door far more difficult than was fair. )


Mom? Nick? Anyone?

Did I get bit? Is this where you go when you die?

...Matt, are you here?




I really love the night clubs here in LA.

Seriously, it's such a upgrade from Mystic Falls.





This cannot be..

This is all wrong..I am not supposed to be here.

Bonnie can't already be dead, she just can't be.




This cannot be real..

How is this even possible?

Talking to characters from my favorite movies, how is that even possible?




At least this place is bigger than the last one.