city of angelenos

an LA based panfandom rpg

Something strange is happening in Los Angeles. The City of Angels has suddenly become a hotspot of cosmic, time-space continuum activity. People are being dragged in from across time and space. The multiverse itself is being dumped out in Los Angeles and no one knows why or how to stop it.


March 12th, 2016




Kidnapping a Lightwood isn't smart. And somehow no one has answers? I don't believe it.

Only view-able to Shadowhunters

I don't even see the Los Angeles Institute here..




Well I never thought I'd see this place again...

Hellewise, babe, you here?

I wonder if Lily's is still around.




What the hella is this?


Is this some sort of fucking joke? Whatever it is, I am not amused.




So here's what I've learned about this place since last night:

- While this is definitely Los Angeles, it isn't my Los Angeles. We're definitely in an alternate universe or dimension where the Institute just doesn't exist.

- The hole in my heart is still very much there. Julian isn't anywhere near here and I may have to accept that in the end he didn't want a Parabatai anyway.

- There is some sort of time traveling going on. I'm actually from 2013, but this computer says it's 2016. I've also met a younger version of Jace Herond-- Wayland when he was in his 20s in my time.

Anyway, I'm Emma Carstairs and I've lived in another version of Los Angeles my entire life. I don't entirely know what's going on here or what brought us here. Or what kinds of people are here as someone has already complained about the sun... but I do pride myself on the fact that I know my way around L.A. If you have any questions about where to find things--the best food, the best shopping, whatever--I'd be happy to help.

Filtered to Shadowhunters

So I know that a few of us are here at least. Maybe we should get a head count--who is here?




It's a little too much sunlight for me, y'all. Anybody else having that problem?




Bell? Clarke? Raven? Lincoln? Anyone from Camp Jaha, are you out there?

Ai laik Okteivia kom Skaikru. Hei?




How many alternate worlds do I have to go to?

Thea? Sebastian?




I can't be in Los Angeles! My parents won't be happy.

Mom? Dad? Alec? Max? I guess I'll even take Jace at this point.


Just went to that station or whatever, to see what this is all about.
So let me get this straight -- I'm now stuck in Los Angeles because of some freak phenomenon or whatever?

Filtered from humans
So they said there'd be people from all sorts of universes here.
What are vampires supposed to be doing for blood?

Voice Post

(A baby is babbling and giggling in the background)

Ow, Declan, that's my face. Be nice to Daddy.

Uh, Sydney? It's Adrian... Are you here?
Anyone else I know?


What the hell?
Clary? Are you here?




And now another alternate universe... great.

I know Erika is here. Elena? Damon? Meredith? Bonnie? Jeremy? Are any of you here? Caroline, even?




Kimmy? Steph? Is this some sort of prank?

I have Tommy with me, but where are my other two boys?




I hate LA, but I've always been able to leave before.

What idiot are they going to put in charge in my absence?




I did NOT just lose access to all of Lex's research.. And now I get to start all over again? Really?

Maggie? Lex?




I--this isn't Storybrooke...

Pietro? Bucky? I don't feel my broth--




Voice Post


This is really not my day. Look, I was helping Ali with something really important in Ravenswood and--

(Another pained sound.)

I think I need to see a doctor.




Oh look, it happened again. Magic brought me to another place. Except no purple mist this time. But I have to say, as much fun as Storybrooke was.. and it really was fun. Especially with Gellert, and seeing others with the same face This place, L.A.? So much better. I'd always preferred larger cities.

Greetings to those I don't know, I am Damien Thorn. I might seek out one of the big hotels for residence, temporarily. A pity my club and company aren't here but I'll make do. Besides, the card with five grand on it is nice. Now to see if it can access my funds from home.




What the fuck is this? Max? You here?




Detective. I think we have a problem.

To all the newcomers. Welcome to Los Angeles. Lucifer Morningstar at your service.




Amy? AMY! Where are you? I don't know where we are but this isn't the time to play hide and seek.




Danno? Uncle Steve?

I don't know where I am!




My name is Lieutenant Commander Steve McGarrett and I demand to speak to my captors.




How is there another me here?




Somethings tells me I'm not in Hell's Kitchen anymore.




I don't think I'm in Kanas anymore. Mom? Amy? Please tell me you're here.




I thought I was never going to leave that ski resort. I have to say, L.A. has much more entertaining prospects.

Jesse? Are you here? I suppose I should ask for Valentine too. Valentine?




And here I thought I would never see Los Angeles again.




So what's a girl and her five cats to do here?




Alright, LA. Point me to the nearest bar.

I'm going to need a copious amount of alcohol.





What the hell just happened?

Are you here?