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Posts Tagged: '-+ethn:+white'

Apr. 12th, 2009



Zach Condon.

I aten't dead yet. Just sayin'.

This, my darlings, is Zachary Francis Condon, whom I love and wish to marry one day. I even agree to financing him and make him my kept boy if need be. It would be awkward, but I wouldn't have it any other way--okay, that's a lie, but... you know. GIST: I LOVE THE MAN. On the other hand, people please take more photos of him. I'm ashamed to say that I iconned certain images that do not even deserve to be cut into 100x100 squares.

Zach Condon: 101 icons, 5 banners. )

Jan. 12th, 2009



Brea Grant.

Why hello. It's been a while, I know. I blame the holidays and sudden changes in academic plans. Anyway, here's a large-ish set of Brea Grant. She's from Heroes. Truth be told, I don't really watch that show any more but I thought she had the coolest hair ever.

Brea Grant: 140 icons, 10 banners. )

Nov. 29th, 2008



Joe Anderson.

All from Copying Beethoven, where he looks slightly less like a hobo. AND LOOK, he can be a rather good substitute for Boyd!Draco. Hissing! Snarling! Angerface! Exclamation point!

Joe Anderson: 100 icons. )

Nov. 9th, 2008



Abbie Cornish.

These have sitting in my hard drive for agesss. The majority of icons are made from caps of Candy, which is an Australian film. She plays a crackhead so she does look a little rough in some icons. I added a couple photoshoot and press conference ones in the mix as well.

Abbie Cornish: 280 icons. )

Aug. 31st, 2008



Amelia Warner.

I have to be honest and say that I've only ever seen her act in Quills but she strikes me so much as a possible Andromeda Black (or Tonks, mind you) PB. Most icons from Winter Passing and from photoshoots.

Amelia Warner: 200 icons. )

Aug. 24th, 2008



Winona Ryder.

Yeah, so I noticed there weren't any icons of her floating around, which is sad. And Winona was Cool once. In the 90s. All icons from Girl, Interrupted because her haircut in that movie is fierce.

Winona Ryder: 275 icons. )

Aug. 15th, 2008



Casey Affleck.

Let's face it, the man is... guys, words really cannot express how aesthetically-pleasing I think he looks. WORDS CANNOT DO HIM JUSTICE. Alright, I'll stop now.

Feast your eyes.

Casey Affleck: 250 icons, 10 banners. )

Jul. 8th, 2008



Anne Hathaway.

Strictly in Becoming Jane. That movie has the weirdest lighting, seriously. It was too green in some scenes, too pink, &c. I had a couple of people icon-critique this set for me so it turned out better than I originally had them.

Also, I have a couple of period dramas on my hard drive at the moment so... yes, expect some corseted goodness to come your way.

Anne Hathaway: 195 icons. )

Jun. 29th, 2008



Sophie Ellis-Bextor.

I must confess that the only song I've ever heard of her was "Murder on the Dance Floor" and she was so fabulously evil in the video that I instantly loved her. Yes. I'm very easily won over, haha. All icons are of dark-haired!Sophie because blonde!Sophie isn't as compelling to me.

Sophie Ellis-Bextor: 100 icons, 2 banners. )

Jun. 7th, 2008



Matthew Bellamy.

For Tyra because she is awesome. Also for Camilla and Lucy because they are love. It can also serve as a supplement for Dee's icons of Matt at [info]cupiscent. Matt (and Muse) is amazing. Rinse, repeat, &c.

Matthew Bellamy: 100 icons, 5 banners. )

May. 26th, 2008



Sarah Bolger.

She looks like she could be Talulah Riley's younger sister. Or maybe that's just me. There are some similar features, at least.

Sarah Bolger: 80 icons. )

May. 24th, 2008



Peter Hume.

Why hello, my most awkward icon post! Awkward because... uh, I was a pretty rabid fangirl of Evermore a couple of years ago. You know how it is: some degree of stalking concerts, autographs and the lot. Before I ramble on any longer, Peter was my favourite because he used to (or still does?) throw around his keyboard while they played. He was pretty damn skilled.

If you do want to hear what they're like, I recommend Dreams, which is their first album. It's lovely. If you're more inclined to pop then Real Life would be better... yes, Dreams and Real Life *facepalm*.

Credit would awesome for this set!

Peter Hume: 100 icons, 5 banners. )

May. 15th, 2008



Gregoire Leprince-Ringuet.

He was so adorable in Les Chansons D'Amour. Half the time, I was busy eyeing Louis, of course. But Gregoire was equally adorable. I had a bit of trouble with the lighting, which was blue not to mention RL stuff eating my time, so it took me a while to get through the caps. All icons from the movie, of course. AND, all safe for work albeit some are a bit suggestive, heh.

Credit is lovely.

Gregoire Leprince-Ringuet: 84 icons. )

May. 4th, 2008



Christina Ricci.

All icons from Sleepy Hollow. Because. She looks very much like my idea of a young pre-Malfoy Narcissa and was all, "!!!" Just because. Aherm. It's because Ricci looks so different in this movie compared to everything else she's done.

Credit would be lovely for this set.

Christina Ricci: 140 icons. )

Apr. 22nd, 2008



Rachel Hurd-Wood.

I know. Everyone's iconned her at one point or another. I CAN'T HELP IT, she's so pretty. I place the blame solely on the pretty. Anywho, there are no redhead icons here. If you're looking for redhead icons, avert your eyes. Most of the icons are from An American Haunting aside from the three or four from Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Silk Stocking.

Rachel Hurd-Wood: 100 icons. )

Apr. 21st, 2008



Simon Woods.

All of the icons are from caps of Penelope. He looks so uptight in this movie, srsly, and his character made me lulz quite a bit.

Credit would be nice.

Simon Woods: 101 icons. )

Mar. 25th, 2008



Rebecca Hall.

Icon-making is taking me a bit longer than usual, guys. This is mostly due to the fact that my laptop isn't connected to the family internet while I'm on holidays, so this means I have to steal my brother's laptop to do my work. Ah well.

BEHOLD, a massive Rebecca Hall icon post to make up for lost time! I made caps from my copy of Starter for 10 and found loads of the other photos at her nifty fan gallery. Gah, I love her so.

Credit for the Starter for 10 icons would be nice.

Mar. 24th, 2008



Sean Biggerstaff.

Well. He doesn't need a stripper name, that's for sure. AHEM. ANYWAY, these icons are all from the feature length version of Cashback, which I have an absurdly bad quality copy of. Sad, really, 'cause he makes the most adorable expressions. He should be in more films, plskthx.

Credit would be nice for this set.

Mar. 17th, 2008



James McAvoy.

McAvoy in Starter for 10. Because he was hilarious in it. Hahaha, oh, McAvoy. You don't know what you do to me... BY THAT, I MEAN, MAKING ME LAUGH OF COURSE. *shifty look*

Credit for this set would nice.

Mar. 9th, 2008



Robert Pattinson.

You know how casting agents pick normally hot young men to play nerdy geebs? And they always think that putting thick, black glasses on said hot young man, comb his hair in front of his face, and dress him in ridiculous outfits immediately makes said hot young man... a nerd? Well, you know how it doesn't work at all. Dammit, Robert, we can see through to your hotness even if you hide behind all those things. My copy of The Bad Mother's Handbook was iffy so I got iffy caps so pardon the graininess in some of the icons.