City Limits -- Day
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City Limits: A Birthright Sequel

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Trial And Error [03 May 2009|01:16am]
[ mood | uncomfortable ]

Kris was a prisoner, this much she was aware of, but just because she was subject to Katherine's whims she wasn't about to roll over and make any of this enforced isolation easy on the vampire.

She hadn't done as she was told, even under threat of the collar being detonated right there and then if she didn't do as she was told, thankfully it hadn't come to that. Kris might have been a lot of things, but ready to die was not one of them.

The vampire hadn't been pleased and hadn't been shy about showing it, doing that thing where she yanked on Kris' hair and bared fangs. That had come to a head in the most of bizarre ways, a forced kiss, one that had ended with Kris biting down really damn hard on Katherine's lower lip until the kiss was finally wrenched away, a welt rapidly rising along the abused flesh.

The bitch deserved it.

All Consuming )


Shop Talk [03 May 2009|02:15pm]
Note: takes place before Hayden's voicemail to Izzy.

It had been some time since Izzy had patronized the obscure, back alley magic shop that she'd visited when she first arrived in Chicago. When she'd been involved with Logan she'd made a point of getting whatever she needed through Thoth's Library, but since they'd split up and she'd moved her workshop out of there she'd been avoiding the establishment.

Besides, this place had a more exclusive feel. Not that there was anything at all wrong with Thoth's Library, but it was purposely open to all comers whether they were experienced 'professional' magic users, interested laypeople or emo kids in the thrall of 'Twilight' and 'Harry Potter'. This establishment most definitely was not.

Catching up )

[ viewing | May 3rd, 2009 ]
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