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murder-mystery reveal / confession [28 Jan 2014|07:52pm]
the last time any reference to this will appear on your fp, cross my heart and hope to die.

[28 Dec 2013|12:50pm]

For those that interact with Ellie, I just wanted to apologize for my scarcity. My computer has been giving me troubles since November, and it finally died on me (after many attempts at faking it) a little before Christmas and I don't have an appropriate replacement for it, and probably won't for some time. So I'm on sort of a semi-hiatus at the moment. I'm restricted to my tablet and phone for the time being, so if comments go unanswered/are super late, I'm really sorry! Her aim is connected to my mobile, and it's my life line so I will almost always answer. With obvious exceptions: aim/my phone being a whore, sleeping, busy at work, saving the world and being batman, etc. If the situation changes, I'll let people know! Thanks for being so understanding <3
comment 14

[21 Dec 2013|06:53pm]

i am at my wits end. i have not been getting notifs for this journal since the servers moved over and despite dropping a couple trouble tickets, i still can't figure it out. i've changed and updated the email and even checked every spam folder i have, but there is nothing coming. and yet, if i go to check the notifications page, they're all there. i just always forget to do it.

does anyone have any ideas?
comment 12

[13 Nov 2013|01:41pm]

I want to apologize for suddenly disappearing on everyone for over a week, I was hospitalized and I couldn't access even my phone (as much as i wanted to). I'm back now and things are still sort of shaky but I'll be around a lot more.

[22 Oct 2013|06:42pm]

just a post letting everyone know i've switched erin up a bit. she's now an in-house investigator for an unnamed law firm, so if any lawyers here want to snatch her up, let me know!

[22 Sep 2013|05:04pm]
hey guys! i wanted to give you a heads up that i'm altering sol's younger sister a tad bit. instead of being in high school, she's actually a freshman at uci, however everything has shifted a bit. though we're keeping everything the same, she still came out to spend her senior year with sol and denise, etc. but now that she's a little more playable instead of being an npc, she'll be around!

[19 Sep 2013|09:46pm]
hi all! I just wanted to say first off, thank you to the mods and everyone else who has been supportive through this process. as some of you probably know before the pregnancy cap was in place ~nochance and I started a pregnancy line. Beth also had a surgery to repair bicornuate uterus called metroplasty the month before and we were informed some people were hesitant about the realism in the time frame. while both my slp and I did research the results were actually inconclusive as all doctors say different things and time frames went from a week and a half to ten weeks! but we decided to soothe everyone's worries (and our own!) we'd adjust the time frame. Beth now had her surgery in May, and conceived in August which gives ample cushioning for recovery! she is now 8 weeks pregnant but as far as her finding out, everything is the same! I'm sorry that some of you we're put off by this but I want everyone to know if you ever have a problem with something you can feel free to (politely) come to me to discuss! I know Beth is a pretty hard person to approach but I can promise you I'm not unreasonable and I am happy to (politely) discuss anything with anyone who feels something is off. I do have anon turned off, I'm sorry if that makes anyone uncomfortable but I've had problems in the past with it. if anyone would like more information regarding the surgery or anything about Beth at all I am happy to provide what you need. you're all great and I'm happy to take criticism into consideration if it makes everyone feel comfortable in this awesome game.
comment 27

[04 Jul 2013|07:36pm]

Hey guys, just a heads up, i went to go help with the flood relief in Calgary and forgot my cell charger, so I haven't been able to reply to any tags/scenes. Im so sorry!! I am using a strangers cell to write this. I will be back tomorrow evening. For those of you who planned to have our chars hang out for July 4, message me the plans and we will scene/plot tomorrow if you want. Dallin wont be back yet though.

Have a happy independence day, from Canada!

comment 1

just wanted some feedback [07 Jun 2013|06:26pm]

i just wanted to know if people would like for the date auction to be something we do every month or two, or never again. i would probably allow 2 weeks for sign ups and then do a 48 hour auction prior to the date of the event if i were to do it again. let me know what you think, if this should stay a one time thing, or if you'd like to see it more often and if so, how often?

comment 7

[01 Jun 2013|10:41pm]

bachelor & bachelorette charity auction


take a peek )

thank you to everyone that participated, that is a total of $16675.00 and rising!, you kept me busy all night with the updates. have fun playing and thanks again for keeping me busy, you're all such an amazing community to be apart of!!
comment 21

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