August 17th, 2017


WHO: Issac and Esme
WHEN: June 6th - early evening
WHERE: In a temple overtaken by Banyan trees.
PROMPT: Thimble

Humidity filled the air to drown the world and allow the plants to glow with life. )

WHO: Lana and Byron
WHEN: June 6th
WHERE: Costume Tent
PROMPT: Mirror, Mirror

Felix’s Lady in White had finally decided to join the game. )

WHO: Orion and Nik
WHEN: June 6th
WHERE: Shared trailer space between Orion and Baba Violette’s trailer
PROMPT: Talking Animals
WARNINGS: Drug use… probably swearing...

Orion sipped on a beer as he listened to Baba Violetta go on about her own personal rules on him. )



WHO: Cordelia & Duncan
WHEN: June 6th (early morning before sun up)
WHERE: The Midway
PROMPT: Thirteenth

His eyes were playing tricks on him )



WHO: Kennet & Cordelia
WHAT: [Prompt: Impossible Task] Delia tries to double the Ringmaster. Bad idea.
WHERE: Outside Virtue & Vice
WHEN: 1AM June 6th

Pardon me, sir. Could you tell me how to find the Big Dipper? )



WHO: Nikolaos, Marco, Freya (NPC)
WHAT: [Prompt: Raven Feathers] Emergency at the Menagerie
WHERE: … the Menagerie
WHEN: June 6th, just before closing pre-dawn
RATING: Probably just swearing. Mild electrocution?

How badly can the bird hurt us, if we take a solid hit? )