A Circle Cast - May 28th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
A gathering of Witches of all practices

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May 28th, 2008

Official word from a mod [May. 28th, 2008|02:52 am]


[Current Music |Shawn Colvin - Sunny Came Home]

May I redirect everyone's attention to the rules? Rule number two states that "If you have true concerns about a situation, contact a moderator and let them do their job, please." Rule four says "Do not play moderator." And while we don't have it explicitly stated, I should think it'd be obvious: DO NOT TROLL.

Look, people. Pagans get enough flack for their 'crazy beliefs' and their 'world of make-believe' and such. And yes, we have our nutcases who are really just gamers way too lost in their fantasy worlds, but you know what? That's not your call to make. If someone is truly becoming a problem with that, we moderators will take care of it. Believe it or not, we're watching this comm regularly and ready to step in, as should be obvious now, even if we all have vastly different styles from each other.

So, going back to those rules? Never. Ever. EVER come in here and accuse someone of using a legitimate comm for real-life witches of just being a gamer and goofing around. If you really suspect an account that has made a post is a fake account or a gaming account, CONTACT A MODERATOR. We will investigate and contact the OP. Do NOT comment to the OP and accuse them of such. It's very offensive, and it's not your call to make or right to do so. Period. That is our job.

I would've thought such etiquette was obvious, but clearly it's not. So if you have concerns or suspicions, contact the moderators. We all have email, we all have at least one public post you can contact us on, and failing all that, IJ has a lovely and spiffy private messaging system you can use.
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