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sweet cinema

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🍿☺️ [29 May 2023|11:15pm]

if you're here then you love at least one of two things: movies and camaraderie. starting june 7 we'll kick off every month with a movie that's been decided on by you, the members, via poll, and will round out the month with a discussion post for the movie.

this means you don't have to be tied down to the group if that's not your thing but you can still get your thoughts out in a space that's more your speed.

that's not all this little comm is for though! members of this comm can arrange viewings here or check back to see if anyone else is hosting an event. this is a great opportunity to get to know some new friends or reconnect with old ones.
all that said, if you wanna join in then:

1 request membership

2 comment this post

3 use the template below for any of your movie posting needs

4 leave any qs in this post - questions will remain screened!

5 enjoy!

15 +

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