Blessed Church of Snarry - March 12th, 2006 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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March 12th, 2006

In this Blood Chapter Seven [Mar. 12th, 2006|08:10 am]



Original poster: occasus_crisis

Title: In This Blood
Author: [info]occasus_fics
Summary: Based on theory of Knights Templar, Harry decends from the blood line of Jesus Christ. Tom Riddle knows about this and wants the blood line to end. AU No magic.
Pairings: Severus/Harry, Remus/Draco
Rating: R
Chapter: 7/?
A/N: This fic was just found on [info]deleterius so I decided to upload a few chapters. Here are two :p Hope you enjoy.

Chapter_Seven )

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In This Blood Chapter Eight [Mar. 12th, 2006|08:14 am]



Original poster: occasus_crisis

Title:: In This Blood
Chapter:: 8/?
Rating:: PG-13 (for now)
Summary:: Flowing through Harry's veins is a power that few understand. Based on one theory of the Knights Templar.
Warnings:: May be very offencive to Christians, contains loss of faith, blasphemy, Adult Language, Sexual Situations. A/U No-Magic.
A/N:: So this fic was found on [info]deleterius and going to be sporked and likely flamed. Oh joy. Ah well, let them have their fun. I love this fic and don't plan to stop writing any time soon. Hope you enjoy!

Chapter_Eight )

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