Blessed Church of Snarry - November 5th, 2005 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Blessed Church of Snarry

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November 5th, 2005

FIC: Icon [Nov. 5th, 2005|09:03 pm]


[mood |did I really write this?]

Original poster: rantipole_

Warnings: Perversion of Religion, AU, non-con, chan, mild S/M, general wierdness

Rating: NC-17

Words: 2047

Notes: For [info]sucial_fly, whose idea got me started, (though she can’t have been expecting anything like this!) And for [info]chruchofsnarry, sine qua non.


His first memory was of incense, a smoke that tingled inside his nose, the most powerful scent he had ever smelled, spicy, lovely; it made his head spin. And he was convinced that he had gone to heaven, because he could not believe that such a thing existed in the ordinary world. )

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