16 February 2011 @ 12:22 pm
Round 2's Theme and Promotional Banners  
Friendship, singlehood, love life.

Stresses and adventures of a job. Traveling the world. Sitting somewhere with a favorite hobby.

Show or tell us (whichever you prefer!) the ordinary and extraordinary stories of your favorite characters of colors.

Help spread the word of [info]chromaticvision's round 2 with our promotional banners. If you'd like to create promotional banners or icons, fandom specific or not, please let us know!

Sign ups start February 20th.
12 February 2011 @ 05:23 pm
Hello, everyone! Welcome to round 2 of [info]chromaticvision. We're here to celebrate the wonderful characters of colors within our various fandoms and to shine some love upon them.

Sign ups start on February 20th until the 26th.

Like last round, we have an AO3 collection if you wish to upload your fannish work there as well. The collection is completely optional.

Rules & Requirements | Frequently Asked Questions | Drop Out Form | Chromatic Vision Archive info

Important Dates
Sign-ups: February 20, 2011 to February 26, 2011
Halfway Check-In: March 16, 2011
Posting: April 5, 2011 to April 9, 2011
Everything Old Is New: April 11, 2011
Masterlist Posted: April 13, 2011
Amnesty Period: April 15, 2001 onward

We're excited for round 2 to begin!
05 February 2011 @ 09:47 am
Coming Soon...  
While LiveJournal has choc_fic and Dreamwidth has chromatic_fanfic, there isn't a multi-fandom asylum on InsaneJournal specifically for characters of colors/nonwhites/chromatic characters. With that in mind, Chromatic Vision is opening its arms to allow fannish works featuring characters of colors to be posted here. Please use the tag event: nonfest when you post. (Note, this only applies to the IJ comm and not the DW mirror comm).

In other news, round 2 will be announced shortly. That means round 1's amnesty period will end once sign ups begin. If you weren't able to post during round 1's amnesty, you can still join for round 2.
27 July 2010 @ 02:05 pm
There's only a few more days left until the end of our July mini-challenge and for participants to post their recs featuring characters of color! More information can be found here concerning rules and guidelines.

If you don't have an IJ, you can post your recs in this entry.

All recs will be gathered in a masterlist at the end of July.
15 July 2010 @ 03:13 pm
Non-IJers recs post  
If you are without an IJ, never fear. You may post your recs within the comments below and at the end of the month, they'll be gathered together with the other recs and sorted into a masterlist.

Thank you for participating and have fun. :)
15 July 2010 @ 03:12 pm
July mini-challenge  
[info]chromaticvision's July mini-challenge of recs has begun!

If you have an IJ, you can create a new post with your rec(s) from now (July 15th) until July 31st. For those without IJs, you can post your recs within the comments of the following post. All recs will be gathered together and sorted by fandoms at the end of the month in a masterlist.

Thank you and enjoy reading!
12 July 2010 @ 08:20 pm
Just three more days until the start of our July mini-challenge. More information can be found here.

We're excited to see what everyone will be reccing!
03 July 2010 @ 08:25 am
July mini-challenge  
Your mods have decided to ramp up to round 2 with a July mini-challenge. The theme for the mini-challenge is recs. The dates for posting recs are July 15th-July 31st.

There aren't nearly enough works about characters of color out there (at least we think so anyway!), but what is there is cause for celebration. Show us your recs featuring characters of color.

- Recs can be of works created by others, or self-recs.
- Recs cannot be linked to a work that's locked or members only.
- Reccers must comment to let the reccee know they've been recced (more about this below).
- Pretty self-explanatory, but works must heavily feature characters of color. So fics of, as an example, Lanie from the show Castle helping Beckett and Castle get together doesn't fit. Lanie dealing with her job, or her friends, or her love life, however, does. (If you have questions about this, please don't hesitate in asking). Please, please do not rec works that stereotype characters of color and/or appropriate their cultures (like the fic ranted about here). This is not what Chromatic Vision is about.
- If you are uncertain about a particular work(s) you wish to rec, please don't hesitate in contacting the mods.

- Recs can be posted in one big batch (behind a cut tag) or singular or split between several days. The choice is entirely up to you.
- The minimum information needed for a rec is the link, author, title, summary (if any), fandom and pairing/character. Warnings/Contains, ratings, reasons why you recced a specific work, and other information are optional, though encouraged.

*It's not enough to just rec. We want to let people know that the works they've created were wonderful enough to share with the rest of the world. For those who are comment shy in writing something original or who don't want to vary each comment per rec, your mods have a Copy & Paste Comment you can use.

Hello. I'm just letting you know that I've recced your work at chromaticvision on IJ. Thank you for creating a memorable work featuring a character of color. <3

Copy and paste code

All recs will be gathered up in a masterpost after the 30th.

If you don't know where to readily find fics featuring Characters of Color, here are some links:

AO3 tag - Character of Color



Other news
If you haven't finished your work for round 1, don't fret. Our amnesty period is still in effect and will remain so until round 2 begins in a couple of months.
10 June 2010 @ 03:05 pm
Suggestions Wanted!  
While your mods ramp up for round 2 of [info]chromaticvision, we'd like to hear from our participants and watchers on what we can do to in order to improve the experience of the next and other future rounds.

Anonymous commenting is enabled if you want to comment that way. Comments are also screened.

What comments do we want? Suggestions, things we can improve on, things we should keep on doing. If you want to rate us 1-10, that's fine too.

Thank you for helping us improve Chromatic Vision!
05 June 2010 @ 07:51 pm
Plug: Dark Agenda's Racebending Revenge Ficathon  
Dark Agenda has announced the Racebending Revenge Ficathon:

Re-write one or more white characters in the fandom(s) of your choice as chromatic/non-white/PoC, in a story of at least 500 words, with some acknowledgment of how the racial difference would make a difference to the story being told.

Details and sign-ups are here.

If you plan on writing something for the ficathon, feel free to also post it here. :)
Tags: ,
10 May 2010 @ 05:42 pm
News and Events  
- [info]chromaticvision is now broadcasting on DreamWidth. [info]chromaticvision. Everything will still remain on IJ, however, as only mod announcements will be mirrored on the DW comm.
- There will be a mini-round held in July. Details will follow shortly.
- [info]chromaticvision will be having a second round! Exact dates and details are forthcoming, but sign-ups will be at the end of October to mid-November, and posting will start on New Year's Eve. The theme is winter/fall holidays, both real and imaginary.
25 April 2010 @ 08:32 am
Amnesty period starts today! If you were unable to post your work during the original posting dates, you may do so from now onward. Your work will still be included in the masterlist as well as the archive if you had indicated opting into the latter.

Thank you for participating!
23 April 2010 @ 05:48 pm
Regarding the Chromatic Vision Archive  
For those who opted into the Chromatic Vision Archive, I will be uploading your works in the next couple of days. I will also be emailing for details, such as if you currently have an AO3 account and header/tag information. Those who posted works on Everything Old Is New may also have their works uploaded into the archive as well.

If you have any questions regarding the archive, please take a moment to read our FAQ.
16 April 2010 @ 05:01 am
Everything Old Is New  
If you have an older and completed work that features a character of color, and want to participate in [info]chromaticvision, you may do so today. Odds are, your work is new to us, and we're all about giving love to characters of color. ;)
13 April 2010 @ 10:23 am
Posting Begins  
Just like the subject title says, posting begins now until the end of April 14th. Everything Old Is New starts April 16th. Amnesty period begins April 25th onward.

Let the celebration begin!
12 April 2010 @ 07:05 pm
Tomorrow is the start of Chromatic Vision's posting dates. Your mods are very excited to see what everyone has created.

If you're in need of temporary or permanent hosting for your works, please comment below and let us know (also whether it is temporary or permanent).

And if you haven't finished yet, never fear! You can still post something through Everything Old Is New on April 16th if you have an older work that features a character of color. We also have our amnesty period which starts April 25th onward, and your works will still be included in the masterlist as well as the archive if you opted in for the latter. Our drop out form is posted here if you need to drop out.

We're not picky about how your format your headers. As an example though:


If you have any questions or comments, please comment below!
16 March 2010 @ 07:39 pm
Hello! This is the halfway check-in date to see how everyone is doing. A reminder that posting is April 13th to April 14th and Everything Old Is New begins on April 16th.

Also a friendly reminder that [info]chromaticvision's amnesty period starts April 25th onward so no pressure!

Poll #4978
Open to: All, results viewable to: All

Have you started on your fannish work?

View Answers

Yup, and making good progress.
5 (38.5%)

Yup, and stalled on progress.
4 (30.8%)

Already finished!
1 (7.7%)

Haven't started yet.
3 (23.1%)

28 February 2010 @ 05:56 pm
Thank you everyone! Sign ups are over, though if you have already signed up once and wish to sign up for another character, go right ahead. And if you missed sign ups, don't worry. You still have a chance to post something during Everything Old Is New on April 16th (more information about EOIN is here).

We have 25 participants, covering 36 fandoms (including Real Person Fiction), with promised works ranging from drabbles to graphics and back again.

Posting will be from April 13th to April 14th. If you need a place to host either graphics/art/icons or longer fics, please let the mods know so we can make arrangements, whether temporary or permanently (and if it's permanently, please consider archive at our Chromatic Vision archive, though there is no obligation either way).

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate in asking in the comments below.

Good luck!
16 February 2010 @ 12:02 pm
Sign ups are out and will remain open until February 27th. We have 20 fandoms represented so far and counting!

Please help spread the word about [info]chromaticvision. Promotional banners can be found here. Almost any fannish medium is accepted, including picspams and recs. Even if you don't have the creative mojo to create something new, we do accept older works for Everything Old Is New on April 16th.
01 February 2010 @ 06:39 pm
Welcome to Chromatic Vision, a multi-fandom chromatic character and real people challenge. The reason for creating this challenge is simple; we want to increase the amount of fannish works of characters of color.

This is not an exchange and there aren't any assignments. Simply sign up for a character or real person (or several!) and start creating. We accept any ratings as well as het/slash/gen/femslash.

Important Dates
Sign-ups: 2/7/10 to 2/27/10
Halfway Check-In: 3/16/10
Posting: 4/13/10 to 4/14/10
Everything Old Is New: 4/16/10
Masterlist Posted: 4/18/10
Amnesty Period: 4/25/10 onward

If you want to help spread the word about [info]chromaticvision, please make use of one of our banners, created by the talented [info]zaipixie.