Bridget McKennitt
03 July 2010 @ 08:25 am
July mini-challenge  
Your mods have decided to ramp up to round 2 with a July mini-challenge. The theme for the mini-challenge is recs. The dates for posting recs are July 15th-July 31st.

There aren't nearly enough works about characters of color out there (at least we think so anyway!), but what is there is cause for celebration. Show us your recs featuring characters of color.

- Recs can be of works created by others, or self-recs.
- Recs cannot be linked to a work that's locked or members only.
- Reccers must comment to let the reccee know they've been recced (more about this below).
- Pretty self-explanatory, but works must heavily feature characters of color. So fics of, as an example, Lanie from the show Castle helping Beckett and Castle get together doesn't fit. Lanie dealing with her job, or her friends, or her love life, however, does. (If you have questions about this, please don't hesitate in asking). Please, please do not rec works that stereotype characters of color and/or appropriate their cultures (like the fic ranted about here). This is not what Chromatic Vision is about.
- If you are uncertain about a particular work(s) you wish to rec, please don't hesitate in contacting the mods.

- Recs can be posted in one big batch (behind a cut tag) or singular or split between several days. The choice is entirely up to you.
- The minimum information needed for a rec is the link, author, title, summary (if any), fandom and pairing/character. Warnings/Contains, ratings, reasons why you recced a specific work, and other information are optional, though encouraged.

*It's not enough to just rec. We want to let people know that the works they've created were wonderful enough to share with the rest of the world. For those who are comment shy in writing something original or who don't want to vary each comment per rec, your mods have a Copy & Paste Comment you can use.

Hello. I'm just letting you know that I've recced your work at chromaticvision on IJ. Thank you for creating a memorable work featuring a character of color. <3

Copy and paste code

All recs will be gathered up in a masterpost after the 30th.

If you don't know where to readily find fics featuring Characters of Color, here are some links:

AO3 tag - Character of Color



Other news
If you haven't finished your work for round 1, don't fret. Our amnesty period is still in effect and will remain so until round 2 begins in a couple of months.