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[18 Nov 2008|01:38pm]
*squees*yes yes i just couldnt resist!

Michelle here(the lelaund MUN) again.LoL anyhoo!im bringing in jo harvelle. Dean and sam muns be prepared!she will have a bone to pick with both of em!^_^

Since i've never actually played jo before,please beware with me if I suck at first,cause yeah:(
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Boo! [18 Nov 2008|08:13pm]
[ mood | amused ]

It's me Liz (Jennifer Keller and Sarah Walker), and I decided to pick up Michael from Stargate Atlantis.

A few things you should know about Michael...

*He was born a Wraith. A few years ago, he was kidnapped by John Sheppard's team, and brought to Atlantis. They gave him the retro-virus, which turned him into a human. Needless to say, he escaped. Without the drug, he started to change back to a Wraith but the transformation wasn't complete so now he's part Wraith and part human.

*He's good at genetics and DNA. He has made several hybrids out of humans, and has made a few clones.

*He hates humans. Michael seems them as nothing more than playthings. So don't expect him to ask you over for tea. Well, he might but I wouldn't drink the tea. Never know what's in it. ;-)

*His dream is to clone John Sheppard, and turn the real John Sheppard into a hybrid (sorry, Betty!)

*He has been on the island for a while but has been keeping to himself, but I'm sure he'll make an appearance sooner or later.

Like with all my characters, I'm open to plotting. :D

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