Tuesday, October 20th, 2009

Doll Photo of the Day #3 - Triska


Today's doll photo is Triska! Triska is a Resin Soul Yu, and we got her for free when we ordered Issachar and Vltava for Christmas. We didn't even know we would get her until after we'd placed the order, and really weren't expecting her to come to us with faceup, and a carry bag, and a pile of personality! We had thought perhaps that our unexpected doll would be Gink (short for Ginkgo) and a little tree spirit. But instead, our thirteenth doll became Triskadeikaphobia, or Triska, for short.

Resinsoul's pictures don't do justice to their dolls, and that's certainly true in Triksa's case. She's a little sweetie. Her posing was tricky until we put white pipe cleaners in her arms and legs, now she holds her poses like a dream. Triska never really attached herself to any of the other dolls until Valentine came along, and then she decided that he belonged to her. The mysterious, quiet magician and his tiny assistant are inseparable now, keeping their secrets. Sometimes I think Triska fell out of one of Valentine's cards, and sometimes I think Valentine came along because Triska wished for a friend. Someday, maybe they'll tell us just what their stories are, but for now they're happy to have each other.

Triska arrived in January of 2009. Our tiny queen of hearts, lucky number thirteen.
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Wednesday, July 29th, 2009

Mountain Photos - part 1

I know, I haven't darkened the door here in ages. All my doll-energies have been focused on doing the Minimee Order for Edgeworth and Phoenix, and it hasn't left me much time for actual dolls. :p But I did take a bunch of pictures on our trip to the mountains last month, and I've finally gotten them uploaded. :p we didn't take everybody, just the H&H family (including Janus) and Valentine and Triska because I grabbed them at the last moment.

I look forward to more pictures, and maybe *gasp* photostories in the future! I just got a sweet tripod for my birthday and I can't wait to work with it. I'm hoping for a new camera in the coming months, too. *crosses fingers*

There's a crapton of large photos under the cut here.

So, without further ado:

Janus, Valentine, & Triska )
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Saturday, February 21st, 2009

Precious & Fragile Things


Last Friday (the 13th) we purchased a Pride of Joker Ren from a user on DoA. The doll has had a really rough life, and had been mistreated a lot before getting to his last owner. As a result, we were able to purchase him for a really low price, and our seller was absolutely super to work with and so glad to find him a good home. Thank you so much! :D

PoJ Ren is one of our dream dolls, since he sold out shortly before we heard about angelregion. This one no longer had his orginal faceup, and we were braced for him to need a lot of work. Our seller cleaned him up and mended his clothes and overall did a wonderful job getting him to us safe, but the rest was up to us.

Here then, is his arrival, his before and after, and the introduction of our perfect Valentine.

need special handling )
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