Children of Eden - October 21st, 2013 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Children of Eden

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October 21st, 2013

[Oct. 21st, 2013|10:40 pm]


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Who: Mir & Emrys
Where: Mir's home
When: Week 2, Tuesday, Mid morning
Why: Mir wants to talk to Emrys about the slave swap.
Warning: Mention of slavery, talk of sex, sex.

Your'e special to me, just let me in. )
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[Oct. 21st, 2013|11:53 pm]


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Who: Eterna, Carrick and Mir
Where: Carrick's home
When: Week 2, Saturday evening
Why: Carrick is sending messages
Warnings: TBA

As the evenings passed, Lord Carrick found himself thinking increasingly of the female vampire he had met on his first week in Crescent Hills. She had been beautiful and ruthless - entirely his type of woman.

Carrick thought for a moment. Eterna was clearly a lady of sophisticated tastes. He could do with a new suit for the occasion. He'd heard that the best menswear shop in town was To Rule With Greatness, and so he quickly typed out another message. The slave he had toyed with at Countess Eterna's party had belonged to Fortunatov, he thought idly. It would be pleasant to see the boy again, along with any other slaves he kept.

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