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Macvarish - OOC/Storylines

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[11 Jun 2009|11:50pm]

Hey, I'm Steve and I was forced asked to join this game by my lovely (and yes she told me to say that) wife [info]olivia_. This is Marco Pietri, he's 36 and the landlord of a crappy apartment building that's been in his family for a while. He's one of many children however his family is pretty messed up now and nobody's really talking anymore. In a nutshell Marco's a jerk who doesn't believe in playing by the rules nor having much respect for women.

Unlike Marco I like to think I'm a nice guy so if you want lines let me know. I'm fairly new to the world of RP so I need ideas for lines. Comment here, reach me on AIM or email And now I'm being forced off the computer.
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[11 Jun 2009|07:11pm]

[ mood | exhausted ]

I'M BAAACK! YAY! Greece was amazing, as you would imagine. And I have missed my lovies so I'm doing this quick update to let you know I'm home and when I'm not a total zombie like I am right now, I will give both Emma and Josie updates. Emma is back from Ireland and Josie is ..somewhere? Maybe New York? I have no idea what my WOB has done with her, but either way I'll have updates for them.


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[09 Jun 2009|09:14pm]

Okay so I’m bringing in this guy Landon Grey, PB Zachary Quinto. He’s 29, soon to be 30 next month. He comes from money and up until recently worked at the magazine his father owned. He’s moved to Chicago to actually live his own life and start off. He’s kind of an asshole sometimes, but it trying not to be that way anymore and he secretly wants to be a comic book artist. I'm up to any type of lines, so throw at me what you wish!
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Yes, no, maybe so? [04 Jun 2009|09:28pm]

So this is Genevieve! I actually do want to play her, since I actually did put thought into her when I was putting her together and creating icons etc, etc. She's from Vegas and has a shady past simply because of her personality disorder that she keeps under wraps with her medication but of course she has a few lines in her journal that are songbased, so you can clearly see, she is bound to be an interesting piece of work. I wanted to know if I'd get any play with her here if I brought her to Chicago!

Thanks a mili.
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[03 Jun 2009|10:23pm]

I know the last thing anyone needs is another female character

But anyone want or need a Taylor Swift play by for anything?
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[03 Jun 2009|01:14pm]

Hey mods, can you remove me? I thought id have the time but I don't.

Sorry to anyone I had lines with. Maybe ill be back later.
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[29 May 2009|08:45pm]

Please remove Ivri. Thanks!
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[29 May 2009|08:31pm]

Please remove him.
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[28 May 2009|09:36pm]

Anyone up for a random scene with either [info]didaniels or [info]benjir -_-
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[27 May 2009|07:53pm]

The time has come. I will be away on vacation in GREECE for two weeks! I'm leaving tomorrow May 28th and I'll be returning June 11th. This means I will need a hiatus for Emma McMannis and Joselyn Espinosa. Emma will be in Ireland during the time that I am gone and Joselyn ..well, to the people who play her (WOB <3), do with her as you please. I may randomly pop into a sketchy internet cafe while I'm in Greece, but don't count on it. I'm not cool enough to own an iPhone so I'll be MIA for the entire time I'm gone. Uh. If anything super exciting happens IC, if you guys could like ..e-mail me and let me know, since I certainly will not go back and read two weeks worth of entries, that'd be great.

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[27 May 2009|06:13am]

I need some lines for this girl. Any kind of line would be great, I'm guessing.
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[26 May 2009|07:36pm]

Lines, lines, lines )
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[25 May 2009|09:36pm]

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[22 May 2009|01:17am]

So gracie's sn is deciding to be a jerk and well...not work 99.9% of the time. If you would like to reach her please try to get on Jas's sn, untamed jas. Just you know say you want to talk to gracie. Or if your someone just gracie talks to hopefully I'm smart enough to know these things :)But would anyone like to do some thread-age in the meantime. With either girl. Im super bored.

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[21 May 2009|07:28pm]

Could I get some more detailed lines?
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[21 May 2009|10:15am]

Another storyline plea. I've done this too many times and then I don't follow through.But I promise to make an effort to follow through and IM people.
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[18 May 2009|02:20am]

Oops! I totally didn't mean for that to happen. I should be able to bring back [info]miaelizabeth and [info]mariavegas within the week. They just all needs lines. Maria has nothing, and Andy and Mia don't have much more than that. I'm willing to work with anyone. I just have really odd online schedules compared to most of the RP world.
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[15 May 2009|09:11pm]

Storylines Please )
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Do be do be do. [15 May 2009|11:11am]

Alriiiight, let's do this. This here is my new lady Kaylee, I'd like some lines for her, if you pls! I'm up for whatever. Friends, lovers, enemies, frenemies -- if I may use the word frenemies, and whatever else you can throw at her. Her bio is right here -->

So yeah. IM/PM/EMAIL. I'll be going outta town for a week, but I think I'll have internet access?
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[14 May 2009|07:43pm]

First off: I'M BACK.

My dad's surgery went fine but he took a bit longer to recover than most. He's still recovering and we're all still on high alert for anything going wrong but the doctors believe he'll make a full recovery.

I'll be back to playing rather normally, but for the time being I'm not going to be touching on Gideon's patient list. I'm still only going into this half-cocked, since I have to spend a lot of time helping with my dad (not to mention my birthday and graduation are coming up), but if anyone is still interested let me know and perhaps we can work something out.

Other than that...did I miss anything? Dx

ps. This Youtube Video cracks me up.
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