Theres a light on in Chicago -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Chicago Scene RP

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Taken/Held [18 Jul 2008|07:53pm]
Taken/Held )
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Application [18 Jul 2008|07:54pm]
Apply! )
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Rules [18 Jul 2008|07:54pm]
Welcome to Chicago Scene.
Chicago Scene is an PB based community set in of course, Chicago, IL.
Everyone is welcome here, whether you are a rockstar, a myspace whore, a scene queen, a movie star or someone's girlfriend. We want variety, although OC's are not accepted. Once accepted, it would be appreciated if you were to post a public entry about your character's history and personality and anything that we should know in the same post as your friend's only banner. If you are unsure how to do this, ask the mod.Your Your Character's are NOT to know this information unless told by the other character themselves.

Rules )
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Tour of Campus [18 Jul 2008|07:56pm]
Tour of Campus )
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[ viewing | July 18th, 2008 ]
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