Chella's Oracle's Journal
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Below are the 2 most recent journal entries recorded in Chella's Oracle's InsaneJournal:

    Monday, December 13th, 2010
    12:19 am
    Card of the Week
    So I was thinking it would be nice to do a card of the week with weekly advice from the Faeries. Feel free to comment on how this card is reflected in your life.

    Week of 12/13/10

    Deck: The Heart of Faerie Oracle

    Number: 35

    Card: Bright Spark

    Meaning: Understanding, Illumination, Ideas

    Sometimes it is hard to see the path ahead or understand that which is going on around you. Let the Bright Spark help you understand what may be happening. Trust the light inside yourself to guide the way and look out for those little sparks of light outside of you to give you hints as to the best path to take in situation where the ground isn't so easily seen.
    Thursday, December 9th, 2010
    7:41 pm
    Hi! My name is Chella, I've been reading cards for a little over 10 years now and I am excited to share my experiences with like minded individuals who are seeking answers and also those who would like to learn more about divination. I would really love for this community to be full of open minded people and invite you to share your experiences and advice about situations without passing judgement on anyone who asks a question.
    I'm really excited to get this community off the ground and I hope you are just as excited to join.

    Best wishes!
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