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Gifs [Jun. 17th, 2012|08:45 am]


I found these two gifs on tumblr (who knew there was stuff besides porn? LOL) and then added them to my profile page.


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ROFL [May. 23rd, 2012|11:21 am]


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Archive photos [May. 23rd, 2012|09:47 am]

Rolling Stones: Celebrating 50 Years in Photography

Some have commentary from the photographers beneath. Very cool.
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Stones still rolling along [Apr. 17th, 2012|12:32 pm]


This isn't exactly a quality story but the line about Anita and drugs made me snort and so here it is. Also, I have google sending me links once a week so there might be times I post two stories back to back like this.

They may or may not be the best, but they’re sure interesting

Under the cut )
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Letter to Aunt Pat [Apr. 17th, 2012|12:16 pm]

[mood | nostalgic]

He is called Mick Jagger

Article below )
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Now if I only had $40K [Mar. 27th, 2012|10:31 am]


Bargain Keith Richards Pontiac for sale (To see the car itself go to the link.)

Car for sale )
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Cocaine Blues [Mar. 25th, 2012|09:20 pm]


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Walkman [Mar. 23rd, 2012|01:44 pm]


Keith Richards and His Amazing Portable Cassette Recorder

Story under the cut )
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Tour News [Mar. 22nd, 2012|02:27 pm]


Stones’ 50th Anniversary Tour Pushed Back to 2013

Article below )
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2012 Song Lyrics of Literary Excellence Award Ceremony [Mar. 9th, 2012|10:44 pm]

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I haven't finished watching this but I figured I'd post it so I could find it again.
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Little Red Rooster [Mar. 9th, 2012|04:32 pm]


Keith Richards & James Cotton, rehearsal for Howlin' for Hubert.
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Paint It. Black [Feb. 28th, 2012|11:07 am]

[mood | calm]

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Keith and Eric Clapton [Feb. 26th, 2012|08:05 am]

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[mood | good]
[music |Spoonful--Keith Richards and Eric Clapton]

This is someone's footage of a concert in honor of Hubert Sumlin (Blues guitarist that passed away recently-Mick and Keith paid for his funeral) at the Apollo in NYC on Friday night. So the video's pretty crap but I've been enjoying listening to it. It's very bluesy and honestly I think Keith's singing voice isn't great generally but it's perfectly suited here.

I can't embed it but here's the link. Spoonful
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Charlie, a man of few words [Feb. 17th, 2012|12:51 pm]

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You Can't Always Get What You Want [Feb. 11th, 2012|08:19 am]


I've been reading According to the Rolling Stones and I'm sure I'll have some random quotes eventually. LOL I am really loving hearing so much from Charlie--the less biased voice in the scheme of things.
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Ain't Too Proud to Beg [Feb. 1st, 2012|10:07 am]


The outfits are worth the price of admission. LOL
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Honky Tonk Women [Jan. 31st, 2012|05:56 pm]


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Short and Curlies [Jan. 29th, 2012|08:38 pm]


Feeling obscene.
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Keith? Smoking? No way.... [Jan. 26th, 2012|06:47 pm]


Keith Richards Beats Scottish Smoking Punishment

Keith Richards, more than anyone else on Earth, has earnt the right to do what he likes, whether it's falling out of a tree, starring in hokey pirate films or smoking a fag on a stage in Scotland. )

Note: If you go to the original site you can bounce around to a bunch of snarky stories within the text and at the bottom of the page. I was in a totally crap mood last night and these were cracking me up, even the ones that made digs about them.
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Keith Richards interview November 2011 [Jan. 26th, 2012|07:48 am]


Keith Richards Inviting Bill Wyman and Mick Taylor to Rolling Stones Jam Sessions, Looks Back at 'Some Girls,' Heroin Addiction

Keith Richards Interview )
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