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Chariots of Fire(bolts) OOC

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[10 Jul 2010|06:57am]

Sorry if I am slow at tags......
I have been consumed by school....Tues/Wed/Thurs = 5 papers turned in
by next Sat/Sun/Mon/Tues/Wed= 5 more...those are harder..i have to READ each chapter and then write a thoughtful response...blech

So if I am slow...or you are ACHING to get a thread down like..NOW! me/email me..other might get put on the back burner

[25 Nov 2008|12:04am]

This game is pretty obviously dead. I know a few of you are still tagging, but the threads that are alive are a month old and slow.

Please check out [info]thebitten and [info]wizkids.

[20 Nov 2008|12:38pm]

Hey guys, I'm sorry I kind of dropped the ball recently. A friend of mine and I were in a car wreck, and I ended up breaking my wrist in what is apparently a very odd way. I might have to have surgery if when they X-ray it again it isn't mending the right way. D: Needless to say it's been painful and made typing difficult, I've also been on some serious pain killers while juggling classes. So.. it's made focusing on anything difficult. But I'm doing better, so I should be good for future scenes. Amy, we should probably talk more about the metaplot we've discussed which will hopefully spark things up again.

Lemme know if you want to plot with any of my puppets. :)
2 Comments+Thread

[10 Nov 2008|01:30am]

7 Comments+Thread

[07 Nov 2008|02:01am]

Going to Alabama. Be back Monday.

[30 Oct 2008|08:01pm]

Just a note that I'm going to be gone from Friday-Sunday because I'm going to Philly for homecoming! If you need to get in touch with me urgently, shoot me an email (I should check it at least once a day) or ask Amy to call me or something :)

[28 Oct 2008|11:50am]

I am alive! I promise!

G\Wow, I always feel like I am apologizing for slacking off. Ok, but I WILL UPDATE MORE!!! If you want me/need me in any thread do no hesitate to contact me as I am slightly forgetful.
1 Comment+Thread

[25 Oct 2008|01:38pm]

The Bitten starts Nov 1

[24 Oct 2008|11:21pm]

If your female character is up for us doing whatever we please to her in the name of plot, comment here.
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[23 Oct 2008|01:06pm]

I'm going to do sweeps on Sunday after I participate in a homeland security drill. Please update, post, etc. This game is too good to let die!
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[16 Oct 2008|02:21am]

Clarifying: The ball is formalwear with masks. It is not at Hogwarts, just benefiting the scholarship. There will be kids at Hogwarts, we don't need horny drunk Quidditch stars there too.
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OOC: MIA [10 Oct 2008|11:22pm]

I want to apologize to everyone here for being extremely MIA lately. Work, exhaustion, and ridiculously bad headaches have kept me very inactive.

So, please of I owe you a tag or an update, please link me to the thread or post a response to me here please? And if you just need to contact me here is a good place to do it. I will t ry and catch up this weekend, but with my headaches I can make no guarantees. But I will really try!

So, if you need Cormac or Ian, let me know. Thanks guys!

2 Comments+Thread

Sorry I've been away... (x-posted) [06 Oct 2008|11:41am]

So, a couple things going on with me... for those of you who don't know, I'm pregnant. (10 weeks 6 days today.)

That was taken a couple weeks ago. Yay little Casper! So, that's one of the reasons I've been away/absent-minded/tired/nauseous/etc. I'm sorry that I've been a slacker as of late, but I've been busy creating another little being. ^^

And I've got a terrible head cold. Apparently, my immune system is lower than normal, and I've got a head cold that's KILLING me. I'm doing my best to sleep all day, drink lots of fluids, and take it easy. (Yeah, like THAT'S hard to do.)

Anyway, so I should be back to normal soon. I'll be around to make posts tomorrow, since I'm planning on staying home again tomorrow to try and kick this head cold. But today I'm still stuffed in my nose and face, and I want to go lounge on the sofa again for the rest of the day.

I've left my AIM on if you want to contact me, and there's a good chance that I'll see it blink if you im me. <3

Missy (Krum, Gus, Emma, Romilda and Lizzy)
6 Comments+Thread

Take note! Harry and Pyxis breakup! [04 Oct 2008|08:43pm]


Hey everyone,

Instead of writing up an actual article, we're going to pretend it was a magazine article, eg "Potter and Pontner break up".

Something along the lines of Pyxis saying "We came to a mutual decision to end our relationship before I went to Australia. Although we are no longer involved romantically we remain fast friends."   Blah blah blah.

Though Harry and Ginny relationship is still completely under wraps.

So please make a note!

 Ta,  Leanne


[02 Oct 2008|03:44pm]


And last, 

That icon of Reese on his thread where he gets stabbed is absolutely drool material........
3 Comments+Thread

[21 Sep 2008|12:19am]

Party at Orion Byron's-- go check the thread!

[18 Sep 2008|09:44pm]

I know that I haven't been on AIM a lot, but RL eats me like that. Anyway I NEED to plot, so im me (or I may aim attack you) for plottage.

My Aim is D5h44k71

Also I need more icons, and have no time to make them, any ideas?
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[18 Sep 2008|05:47pm]

Who wants to wake Emma up? I love the idea with Cormac and Gwen, but it sorta fell through. So, who wants to be involved with waking the beautiful Emms? XD
4 Comments+Thread

OOC [18 Sep 2008|04:50pm]

I am SOOOOOO sorry I have been MIA is kicking my ass, for real. We have HUGE things happening in my office and I have been so damn busy during the day and then so tired and headache for hours after...

So, hopefully things will calm down soon so I can get back to the swing of things!!!


[17 Sep 2008|05:50am]

So...We have open house tonight, and the last two days have been hellish!  That means I have little to no time for the next 18 hours to tag or put up anything, which is killing me.  Just and FYI for those who are wondering where I have dropped off to...

I MISS being here...give me a day to recoop...I might be able to leap on!
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