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Chariots of Fire(bolts)

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[15 Oct 2008|02:43am]
Anonymous Owl to Ariel Green )
own tears.

[15 Oct 2008|09:24pm]
who; Adrian and Gus
what; Ade's making "payment"
when; October 15
where; French home
rating; PG-13?

To put it bluntly: Adrian was pissed. If he wasn't so stubborn and didn't have such a strong desire to prove himself, he'd stop making bets concerning his Quidditch performance. And, more unfortunately, it wasn't like he could pretend that his and Gus' bet never took place. Gus would certainly track him down if he tried to get out of it.

But there was no way in hell that Adrian was going to get his own tutu. So when he showed up to the French home, he only brought with him a bottle of fire whiskey (which he wasn't planning to share) and an evil, angry expression.

At least he was getting it over with now.
39 Threadown tears.

[15 Oct 2008|09:28pm]
who; Adrian and Romilda
what; First day of Tahitian vacation
when; October 16
where; Tahiti
rating; TBD

Adrian was very glad to be getting out of the country, if only because he didn't want to deal with anyone after his tutu photos hit the press. It would be best if he let any commotion die down before he bothered to show his face again. The worst part: his sister would never let him live it down. He'd already told Romilda about the bet, so at least she wouldn't get a surprise from it.

After she arrived, Adrian sent their things magically along first, and then used Apparation to get them from here to there. After a few stop so he didn't splinch them, they were in beautiful Tahiti. Adrian really couldn't help but smile a gigantic smile as he looked out at the pure blue water.

31 Threadown tears.

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