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Jun. 19th, 2009


Journal Entry #6 - Ginny Weasley

Date: 19 June 2003
Character Writing: Ginny Weasley
Public/Private/Wards: Public
Summary: Ginny is a dreamer
Warnings: None.


Journal Entry: Draco Malfoy - Entry #2

Date: 19 June 2003
Character Writing: Draco Malfoy
Public/Private/Wards: Public; nothing private about a shopping list.
Summary: Draco doesn't know why he bought this journal, but he needs paper for a shopping list, so.
Warnings: TBD


Journal Entry #2: Charity Chambers

Date: 19 June 2003
Character Writing: Charity Chambers
Public/Private/Wards: Warded to Nico & Neil
Summary: Charity wants to know what they're doing tonight!
Warnings: TBD

Bored. Bored. Bored. )


Journal Entry: Dennis Creevey #1

Date: 20th June 2003
Character Writing: Dennis Creevey
Public/Private/Wards: Public
Summary: Dennis muses in public
Warnings: None


Journal Entry #5 - Ginny Weasley

Date: 19th June 2003
Character Writing: Ginny Weasley
Public/Private/Wards: Public
Summary: Catching up on her daily dish
Warnings: None

Jun. 18th, 2009


RP: Hello, Dear Brother

Date: 19th June 2003 (forward-dated) Early morning
Characters: Ginny Weasley
Location: Fred's Grave
Private/Public: Private
Rating: PG
Warnings: Sniffles time
Summary: Ginny catches up with her brother. 

Jun. 17th, 2009


Journal Entry #4 - Ginny Weasley

Date: 17th June 2003
Character Writing: Ginny Weasley
Public/Private/Wards: Public
Summary: Prose-ac
Warnings: Smoosh


RP: Harry returns

Date: 17th June 2003
Characters: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Sammy
Location: Their Flat
Private/Public: Private
Rating: R
Warnings: Sexual Situations
Summary: Harry comes home from wand making symposium.

Him leaving was no better than Ron leaving )


Date: 17th June 2003, late
Characters: Hestia Jones, Gawain Robards, anyone else who might be out and about on a Wednesday night?
Location: Leaky Cauldron
Private/Public: Private/Public
Rating: PG at first, but probably escalating to R before the end
Warnings: Foul language, shameless flirting
Summary: Hestia has been a good girl lately and decides she deserves a bit of fun.

Girls just want to have fun. )


Date: 17th June 2003
Characters: Draco Malfoy, Ron Weasley
Location: It's the filling for a beak sandwich.
Private/Public: Private
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Summary: Draco got a bit of work done today and wants to share it with the world.  Or just his Auror.


Is it hot in here?

Date: Wednesady, June 17 2003
Characters: Draco Malfoy & Ginny Weasley
Location: Draco's flat
Private/Public: Private.  Keep your noses out, Ron and Harry.
Rating: Um, R-ish?!
Warnings: Language, possibly
Summary: Ginny comes over to Draco's flat after practise because she's not quite finished working out.

Jun. 16th, 2009


Journal Entry #3 - Ginny Weasley

Date: 16th June 2003
Character Writing: Ginny Weasley
Public/Private/Wards: Public
Summary: Practice makes perfect.
Warnings: None yet.


RP: To the Reserve

Date: 16th June 2003
Characters: Charlie Weasley and Neville Longbottom
Location: Charlie's dragon reserve
Private/Public: Private
Rating: TBD
Warnings: TBD
Summary: Charlie takes Neville out to the reserve again

Charlie's babies )


Date: Tuesday, June 16 2003
Characters: Roger Davies & Ginny Weasley
Location: Ilkley Moor in West Yorkshire
Private/Public: Public for other England Quidditch players
Rating: PG-ish
Warnings: Language, undoubtedly
Summary: After practice, mice everywhere


RP: Quidditch Practice

Date: 16 June 2003
Characters: Angelina Johnson, Ginny Weasley
Private/Public: Private-ish (It'd be really easy for others on the team to overhear)
Warning: PG for now
Summary: Angie sees Ginny for the first time in a long while at Quidditch Practice.

Ginny wasn't the girl she remembered as Fred and George's baby sister )


RP: What's that, Giselle? Dinner?

Date:16th June 2003
Characters:Giselle Pritchard, Draco Malfoy 
Location: Restaurant #2 on Draco's "Places to Take Giselle" list. (He hasn't really made a list but you'd be impressed if he had, wouldn't you).
Private/Public: Private
Rating: PGish
Warnings: Possibly language but they'll try to mind their manners.
Summary: Draco takes Giselle out to the second restaurant of his choosing.  Because he doesn't feel he's seen enough women this week, serious.


RP: Ron and Ginny Go to Mexico...Or something...

Date: Monday, June 15 2003 (evening, backdated)
Characters: Ron & Ginny Weasley
Location: The Burrow
Private/Public: Private
Rating: Ron&Ginny are their own rating
Warnings: They're also their own warning
Summary: Ron comes over to the Burrow for dinner (and cookies)

The Burrow wasn't home anymore, but it was close )


Journal Entry: Draco Malfoy - Entry #2

Date: 16 June 2003
Character Writing: Draco Malfoy
Public/Private/Wards: Warded to Dennis
Summary: Draco thinks Dennis should break his broom in
Warnings: TBD/probably none

Jun. 15th, 2009


Journal Entry: Neil Bradley - Entry #1

Date: 15 June 2003
Character Writing: Neil Bradley
Public/Private/Wards: Public
Summary: Neil asks a couple questions about Quidditch!
Warnings: TBD/probably none

Anyone else signing up? )


Journal Entry #2 - Ginny Weasley

Date: 15th June 2003
Character Writing: Ginny Weasley
Public/Private/Wards: D. All of the Above.
Summary: Ginny might be tapping into her Slytherin self...maybe...
Warnings: Dirrty thoughts.

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