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[09 Jan 2020|04:21pm]
Vallo is a land ruled by magic. Deep magic that has existed for longer than anyone can even remember. Magic that existed before life itself existed. It is this magic that weaves itself through everything on the island of Vallo. From the forests that seem to be endlessly vast, to the city of technology that has sprung up over the millennia. Even in the most mundane things, magic exists. Orcs, fairies, werewolves, witches and more live side by side with the humans. Some of them causing shit and some of them? Well some of them just really want their venti no fat pumpkin spice latte.

Some of that magic is essential to every day life. The island itself knows no bounds. It is endlessly shifting and reshaping itself. No one knows how big it is, just that there is nothing else but it. The waters that surround it can be sailed across and while you may find some smaller islands you always end up back at Vallo. To make up for this the living beings that inhabit Vallo long ago harvested the magic of the island itself to create Waypoints. Crystals that when touched will link to other crystals.

However something has shifted yet again. Now other beings are coming through the crystals. Beings from other lands and other worlds. Called Outlanders, these new arrivals must find a way to carve out a new life for themselves.

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