Character Role Playing Games' Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Character Role Playing Games

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[11 Jun 2014|11:05am]
[info]choirroom, a Glee role play experience. Looking for: Tina, Puck, Artie, Mike, Bif, Adam, Brody, Jake, Ryder, Kitty, Joe, Unique, Sugar, the Warblers, Cooper, Jesse St. James, Chandler, Dave Karofsky, and more. Apply here!
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[11 Jun 2014|09:37pm]
A Neverland RP: Savage Garden

Darkness has no place in the lands of the fae, they say; darkness belongs only to the one with a metal hand. But what of the faerie queene who has gone mad? What of the rumors surrounding the disappearances of men and children throughout Neverland?

There is only one way to find out.

Will you be the naive imaginary who stumbles onto fae lands? Will you sign your life to the pirates and seek the destruction of all that is fae? Will you be the innocent townsperson or native who is taken?

Or will you pledge your soul to the faerie queene's banshee ways?


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[ viewing | June 11th, 2014 ]
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