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[19 Jul 2013|05:00am]
Savage Garden: Into the Abyss

Ruthless, cunning, and deceitful, the pirates of Neverland represent the antitheses of Peter Pan and all that he stands for. Their plotting is unmatched throughout Neverland, and in their struggle for order and control under the command of Captain Oz knows no boundaries. One by one, the native inhabitants have begun to fall to their might: Pan's Treehouse has been burned, and his people remain homeless; the Fae have been poisoned, their Prince killed, and their Queene crushed; even the town has slowly begun to fold to Pirate control.

But they are not finished. No matter how many are killed, the unnatural vampires of Pan's lot are always replaced.
However, with the ultimate goal of making what is not theirs, theirs, the pirates are in the position to take advantage of an opportunity. Oz has developed a plan. One cultivated in secret and wreathed in darkness, it is an act of the kind Neverland has never seen, and it will change everything.

The question is, will the pirates accept what their captain is about to do? Or has Oz gone too far in his search for a set of adversaries that will match the Lost's bite for bloody bite?


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[19 Jul 2013|10:27pm]

NantucketMods is a game geared towards the second generation of canon characters. Nantucket Prep School is where these children are sent for their educational needs. We are a very active group of writers and the game is focused on character development. Come and join us today.
Superheroes all over the world have been sending their children to Nantucket Prepatory School since 1954. To outsiders it's simply known as a very elite academy for young men and women to attend during their freshman through senior years of high school. Students are chosen by the schoolboard to attend Nantucket Prep based on several criteria. One example is that the students have extraordinary parents and have thus inherited extraordinary powers themselves. Nantucket Prep is specifically designed to help train and control these superhuman powers. Humans are also occasionally chosen but only those that the schoolboard deems worthy of their special training.

If your child is chosen to be a part of the elite student body at Nantucket Prep, they will immediately be shipped off to live in the dorms on campus. They will attend specialized classes as well as normal high school classes as part of the curriculum.

Nantucket Prep is located on Nantucket Island just off the coast of Massachusetts. The only way to reach the main land is through an hour long ride on the ferry to Hyannis, Massachusetts. There is also a small airport on Nantucket that students can utilize for getting on and off the island.
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