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Character Role Playing Games

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[24 Aug 2011|03:43pm]
Premise for [info]gothamcitymods

It started, as so many things in Gotham do, with a bang. Shortly after the eclipse an explosion rang out in Arkham Asylum's west wing, kicking up dust and setting free more than a few madmen. When the smoke cleared a single woman in a jester's outfit stood upon the fallen debris carrying a gun. She demanded one thing and one thing only: the Joker's release. With a multitude of madmen on her side the woman managed to overpower the guards and set Gotham's most feared villain free. He didn't thank her. He didn't rush into her arms or fulfill any of the romantic fantasies that had been playing in her head. Instead, he demanded the release of a man named Schiff and proceeded to turn what was left of Arkham's west wing into a blood bath.

The trio escaped but not before gaining the attention of Arkham's Head of Security, Aaron Cash. A large fearsome man, Cash had managed to bring a sense of order to the Asylum even if his methods were a little heavy handed at times. Inmates had learned to fear and respect the man because crossing him was something of a death wish. Only the Joker had ever dared to cross him and had been dragged back to his cell with broken bones. As the trio ran it appeared as if their escape would be cut short. Cash was closing in on them with an intent to kill. Just as his hook made contact with Joker's jumpsuit the Clown Prince of Crime threw out his hands and Cash vanished without a trace. It didn't take long for Joker to piece together what had happened. He may not have understood the logistics but what fun were facts? He had power and with that power he would turn Gotham into his playground.

His first order of business was to rid Gotham of all it's old, boring citizens and fill it with newer, more exciting, more interesting ones. He began to pull men and women from various fictional worlds into his own. To make sure none of his new toys could out (or that the hundreds of other super humans couldn't get in) he set up a barrier around the city, closing it off from the rest of the world.


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[24 Aug 2011|04:26pm]
War of Wonderful Wonderland.
Falling into Wonderland is no mystery, but it might be something new when the whole world is turned upside down by warring territories. The country of Heart began bringing "outsiders" in for new blood from the real world so they can settled their differences or one could possibly take over. Which side will you be placed? The Hatter's Mafia, The Queen's Castle or the Carnival? Let's hope you are not faced against a friend.

This game isn't like any other Wonderland game. It is truly a strange and captivating place that is just as dark as a horror game but has the light-feeling of a social game. Because this place is so unpredictable, no one really knows what will happen next!

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[24 Aug 2011|11:51pm]
We are immortal


American Fury. Justice Belle. Top Kid. Grenade Flash. These are the names of legends.

A group of super powered heroes who, during the Depression years of the 1930s, banded together in the name of truth, justice, and humanitarianism, to inspire hope among the average man. Together they founded the Justice Society, dedicating every day to the service of helping those who could not help themselves. They took on the responsibility of using their abilities to foster a philosophy of goodness, and took an oath to protect the helpless and the needy. But good could not exist without evil. The Justice Society soon found themselves in confrontation with a villainous enemy known only as The Master. The Master gathered his own team of powered individuals for the sake of evil, corruption, greed, and, above all, power. They were colloquially termed The Elite, for their harsh criticism of less valuable super powers and their xenophobic superiority over nonpowered people.

Then, on July 28, 2011, everything changed. As The Master lied on his death bed, he used the remaining bit of his strength and power to make one more lasting impression upon mankind. He ripped open a hole in the fabric of time and brought countless generations of heroes, both presently living and deceased, from varying points in history, into a single unprepared present.

Golden Age Heroes meet Silver Age Villains. Silver Age Heroes meet Modern Age Villains. Common man? Prepare for the next big adventure in superhero lore. This will definitely make the history books.

Most Wanted

As this is a brand new game, we're actively seeking heroes and villains from all ages.
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