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[10 Jan 2009|02:39am]

Gotham City, once the most pristine city in the world, will never be the same again.

Nearly thirty years ago, the city began to struggle. The gap between the rich and the poor was only growing and violent crime was on the rise. Those who fought this corruption found themselves admired by few. It was only after the death of Gotham's golden couple, Thomas and Martha Wayne, that the corruption escalated The city fell into despair and the silent mobs who had operated in the background for decades, rose to power.

No one dared to stand up to the mob and the reasons were clear; you either join or become a public enemy. Various corporations, businesses, and law enforcement establishments fell into mob control, leaving citizens in the midst of mafia power struggles. The innocent suffered or were forced to give in. No one was safe and the more time that passed, the more power the mafia gained.

Early 2007, a mysterious figure appeared to fight these criminals. His courage has influenced others to take a stand over the year, but the mafia still controls the majority of the city. The lone man, dubbed 'The Batman', is going to have more to worry about than the mob in his city. Despite the fear he has struck into the hearts of organized crime, another form of villain has started to emerge. Donning their own costumes, these criminals are turning the work of the Batman against him.

But Batman does not fight alone. His work has inspired others to take the law into their own hands. These caped vigilantes are as eager to protect Gotham as the Batman, whether he accepts the help or not.


Premise » Rules » Taken » Available » Requests » PBs/Holds » Application

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[10 Jan 2009|01:16pm]

"As a magician I promise never to reveal the secret of any illusion to a non-magician, unless that one swears to uphold the Magician's Oath in turn. I promise never to perform any illusion for any non-magician without first practicing the effect until I can perform it well enough to maintain the illusion of magic."

Say you walk into a magic show, take a seat, and see the magician pull out a bunny out of his hat. Yes, entertaining, but there’s a logical explanation for it. Anybody could walk to a store and buy a gimmicked hat. Now, pretend you’re walking down a road, and a street magician comes out and asks you to pick a card from a deck. You pick one out, and it’s the ace of spades. You put it back in the deck, and he guesses your card, and guesses right. There are many logical explanations for this, so you go on nearly unimpressed. Now, say you’re in town, and there’s a magic show in the city. Feeling like you need some entertainment, you go, and the magician levitates himself three feet off the ground. But you think in your head, there must be some hidden wires. Right?

But what if the magician pulled the bunny out of a hat that was not gimmicked? That had no secret pockets, and no hidden zipper. What if the magician took a random card, and just merely guessed your card out of his head? Without cheating and looking back into the deck. What if the magician didn’t use any wires? He just went up without anything. But how is that possible? Well…

What if it was all real?

Centuries ago, nobody knows how, and nobody knows why, but children were being born with these abilities; abilities to vanish objects out of thin air, levitate stories off of the ground, and transform one object into another. The powers have been passed down from family to family, and their abilities have been held a secret because of that one incident.

Scientists, mad, hostile scientists discovered these gifted people and started to capture them. Experiment on them. And for some; kill them. In their point of view, people like them; people with abilities do not belong in this world. So they capture them, looking for a cure.

Their abilities; their tricks; all a secret. Some use them to cast magic shows and use it for a living. Some use their abilities for just normal life. And some don’t use them at all.

But no matter what, a magician never reveals their secret.

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Game starts when we have 5 female characters and 5 male characters

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Mundus District :: A Multi-Fandom RPG [10 Jan 2009|06:33pm]
Rules // Application // Character List // Wanted Characters // Holds // Housing // Friend Button // Contact List
Mundus District, located in the city of London.....Ontario.
Odd and strange things have been happening in the district. Its been receiving new tennents...they just don't know it yet.

All over the world, people have been falling asleep in their homes, only to wake up in a new apartment, on a street they don't recognize.

No one seems to know why, but who would really care? London is a wonderful place, just off of Lake Huron. The rooms have everything they need, and the city is full of fun and interesting things to do.

Bars, casinos, fine dining, ample employment....what will you do with your stay in Mundus District?

Many characters are wanted from different fandoms, including: The Master (Doctor Who), Martha Jones (Doctor Who), Sarah-Jane Smith (Doctor Who), Mickey Smith (Doctor Who), Sam Tyler (Life on Mars), Hiro Nakamura (Heroes), Noah Bennett (Heroes), Angel (Buffy), Spike (Buffy), Harry Potter, Cedric Diggory (Harry Potter), Chad Danforth (HSM), Sharpay Evans (HSM), Taylor McKessie (HSM), Troy Bolton (HSM), Ryan Evans (HSM), Commodore Norrington (PotC), Will Turner (PotC), Elizabeth Swann (PotC), Gambit (X-men), The Joker (Batman), Poison Ivy (Batman) and MANY MORE! Come check us out!
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[10 Jan 2009|07:03pm]

A Song of Ice and Fire RPG

A king is struck down before his court. A fugitive prince hides in plain sight. A princess is murdered in her bed. A great lord plots against his own family. Fallen nobles scramble for power and vengeance. Outside powers offer treacherous gifts while plague ravages the countryside and outlaws gather in growing numbers...

Welcome to the Westeros.

In the game of thrones, you win or you die.

-The hidden Targaryen heir is quietly marshalling his forces. Would you join him? Or would you join Lord Baratheon in wishing for the kingdoms to fracture?

-The Ironborn have begun raiding the coasts. Would you lead them in their bloody reaving or plead for peace?

-William Stark struggles to gain the people's loyalty, and the outlaw leader Monterys holds it with ease. Would you see the outlaws rise against the nobles or help to chase them from the forests and butcher them for their crimes?

-The outside powers play their own game and Westeros is their battleground. Would you see them victorious or work to push them from the land once more?

-The Lord of Highgarden's loyalty is decided by his belly and increasingly by his treacherous good-daughter. Would you work to keep House Tyrell loyal or see them turn against House Stark and all the rest?

-The Starks face rebellion in the North even as the Southern nobles increasingly disregard their authority, Iron Throne or no. Would you help them or hope to see Northron blood on the Red Keep's stones once again?

MOD CONTACT: agosmods [ a.t. ] gmail [ d.o.t. ] com


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[10 Jan 2009|09:34pm]

Premise & Plot

The gentle humming of a hypnotic tune gently fades as you open yours eyes, and find yourself in an unfamiliar, but still pleasant, surrounding: a maze like town with cheerful looking citizens amongst the hustle bustle. Sitting up, you take a look around and you find yourself amidst a small garden in the middle of this lively town.

When you finish drinking in your surroundings, it comes to your attention that you can't remember anything except your name and a lingering feeling from what you may of been doing before arriving here. You realize the only belongings you have are the clothes on your back as you climb to your feet, perplexed and wondering where you are and where you're supposed to go. Don't worry though, in time you will remember and may come to loath this utopia-like town. For now, enjoy you new life, explore the vast forest, take a swim in the crystal clear waters of the beach, and give thanks to the one that made this all possible while you're still grateful.

Welcome to the city of Matria.


Matria, a place put to use by a beautiful goddess that gathers her powers from the love and worship of others. This identity is concealed from the residents who live there, however. She is known only by Jasmine, the kind leader of the city and a cunning facade to fuel her powers. The goddess stops at nothing to find means of further love for her and is constantly finding means of such... Means that began with summoning people from other worlds and bringing them to her city. She wipes their memory clean, leaving only their name, to snuff any hostile feelings towards her and their new homes.

That isn't to say there aren't people rebelling. There is a resistance, well hidden amongst the public, that has been growing. This resistance is made of people whose memories have started coming back to them, people who have been returning the memories of others to further their cause, and people know the real reason they're here. But Jasmine has people on her side as well and will do anything to keep the "peace" in her city. Soon, people start disappearing, and reappearing elsewhere in the city days or weeks later, their memories completely wiped but for their names once again as if pulled out from the very point in time they arrived.

This world seems idyllic... but when you scratch the surface, what comes crawling out...


Matria is a multifandom/Panfandom RPG for games, books, movies, anime/manga, etc. Your character has been selected for the selfish uses of this new world's Goddess. Your memories have been stolen, but are not completely erased. There is a constant feeling of dejavu in this place, meaning you may be drawn to people your character knew in their canon or people that remind them of people from their canon. At first, they don't know why, but in time their memories will be returned to them through the help of a rebellion working against this attention-hogging Goddess. Not all at once of course. One by one, certain memories will return be they your first kiss, first betrayal, or a major climax in your character's life. Like puzzle pieces they'll fall into place, every few weeks one seems to return but be warned: the more memories you gather the bigger a threat you become to Jasmine and her cause.

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Forgotten Gods [10 Jan 2009|10:57pm]
About / Rules / Cast List / Held / Wanted / FAQ / Resources / Apply

What happens to the old gods, once their temples have crumbled and their believers have abandoned them? Do they die, forsaken, alone? Or do they remain, still wandering the world, immortal, surviving off what little belief they can gather?

Forgotten Gods follows the lives of these old deities, brought to America long ago by explorers or immigrants from their homelands and eventually abandoned or lost from memory. As their worshippers moved on to new religions, the gods' powers waned - for a god, at its most pure essence, is no more than an idea, and an idea is worthless if there is nobody to believe in it. Some have passed, forgotten, from the world, while others have fallen into madness. Some have simply tried to adapt, to make a life for themselves in this place without gods, getting by on what little scraps of worship and belief they can garner. Others are more radical, attempting to regain the power that was once theirs, to revive their followings.

And then there are the New Gods. Gods of cars and computers, television and radio, cities and highways, all those things that modern Americans put their faith in. They are young, at the height of their power. These newcomers are regarded dismissively by some of the older gods, who have seen so many new deities rise and fall in their time; jealously by others, who wish to reclaim the power for their own; and by all with a deep wariness.

Inspired by the world of Neil Gaiman's American Gods, this game invites players to step into the roles of deities, old and new, to create their own modern mythology.
Greek: Eros, Cronus; more Olympians! Especially Zeus, Poseidon, Athena, Ares and Hecate
New Gods: Pharmaceuticals, Television, Highways, The Republican Party, Fashion Industry, Radio, The Internet, Fast Food
Christian/Hebrew: Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Death), Deadly Sins (Envy and Gluttony), Holy Virtues (all), Adam, Eve
Celtic/Arthurian: Merlin, Lancelot, the Morrigan
Norse: Loki, Odin, Thor, Freyja, Skadi, Hermod, Sif, Tyr
Native American: Coyote, Badger, White Buffalo Woman
Hindu: Kali, Krishna, Ganesh
African: Anansi, Elegba
Egyptian: Isis, Nephthys, Ma'at, Osiris, Hathor, Thoth
Slavic: Baba Yaga, Chernobog, Veles, Koshchei, Morana
Japanese: Amaterasu, Raijin, Susanoo, Izanami, Izanagi
Australian Aboriginal: Rainbow Snake, Bobbi-Bobbi
Anglo-Saxon: Eostre, Wayland Smith - more!

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