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[02 Jan 2009|02:35am]

Premise & Plot

The gentle humming of a hypnotic tune gently fades as you open yours eyes, and find yourself in an unfamiliar, but still pleasant, surrounding: a maze like town with cheerful looking citizens amongst the hustle bustle. Sitting up, you take a look around and you find yourself amidst a small garden in the middle of this lively town.

When you finish drinking in your surroundings, it comes to your attention that you can't remember anything except your name and a lingering feeling from what you may of been doing before arriving here. You realize the only belongings you have are the clothes on your back as you climb to your feet, perplexed and wondering where you are and where you're supposed to go. Don't worry though, in time you will remember and may come to loath this utopia-like town. For now, enjoy you new life, explore the vast forest, take a swim in the crystal clear waters of the beach, and give thanks to the one that made this all possible while you're still grateful.

Welcome to the city of Matria.


Matria, a place put to use by a beautiful goddess that gathers her powers from the love and worship of others. This identity is concealed from the residents who live there, however. She is known only by Jasmine, the kind leader of the city and a cunning facade to fuel her powers. The goddess stops at nothing to find means of further love for her and is constantly finding means of such... Means that began with summoning people from other worlds and bringing them to her city. She wipes their memory clean, leaving only their name, to snuff any hostile feelings towards her and their new homes.

That isn't to say there aren't people rebelling. There is a resistance, well hidden amongst the public, that has been growing. This resistance is made of people whose memories have started coming back to them, people who have been returning the memories of others to further their cause, and people know the real reason they're here. But Jasmine has people on her side as well and will do anything to keep the "peace" in her city. Soon, people start disappearing, and reappearing elsewhere in the city days or weeks later, their memories completely wiped but for their names once again as if pulled out from the very point in time they arrived.

This world seems idyllic... but when you scratch the surface, what comes crawling out...


Matria is a multifandom/Panfandom RPG for games, books, movies, anime/manga, etc. Your character has been selected for the selfish uses of this new world's Goddess. Your memories have been stolen, but are not completely erased. There is a constant feeling of dejavu in this place, meaning you may be drawn to people your character knew in their canon or people that remind them of people from their canon. At first, they don't know why, but in time their memories will be returned to them through the help of a rebellion working against this attention-hogging Goddess. Not all at once of course. One by one, certain memories will return be they your first kiss, first betrayal, or a major climax in your character's life. Like puzzle pieces they'll fall into place, every few weeks one seems to return but be warned: the more memories you gather the bigger a threat you become to Jasmine and her cause.

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Liberati Fatali; A FFVIII RPG! [02 Jan 2009|02:48am]

Liberati Fatali; Children of Fate

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It has been a year of peace since Sorceress Ultimecia’s reign of terror. Time Compression was opposed by the young heroes of Balamb Garden, and the Witch of the future was sent to her death. For a precious time following her destruction, the world was able to recover in a long-awaited era of normalcy. Students continued to feed SeeD with new minds to mould and educate, with Gardens doors remaining open to faces new and old, and the teenage cadets were able to take a moment to enjoy their youth with dances and festivals and social-gatherings. Slowly but surely, it felt as if the world was reverting back to its old rhythm and forgetting the wounds of yesteryear, and organisations continued to provide Balamb Garden with a steady line of clientele, utilising their teams of elite mercenaries by pulling them across-continent as personal soldiers.

But now there is change afoot. President Deling II, of the dominating nation known as Galbadia, has declared war on SeeD and its schools, with his eye especially narrowing upon the headquarters of Balamb Garden. In his quest to topple the world, SeeD’s child-soldiers stands as the greatest opposition to the Galbadian army. The choice he offers: assimilate, or be destroyed.

How may this alter the young lives of those living within the Garden? Who will stand their ground? Who will be lost?

A storm is coming.

[info]liberatifatali; the Children of Fate, is a game set in the world of Final Fantasy VIII; a world overrun with political corruption, magic and young heroes. It focuses on the lives of the teenagers of the military school known as Balamb Garden, and some of the key members of the older cast who stand in useful positions in Estharian and Galbadian society. A social game as well as a plot-driven one, a lot of the emphasis is on the relationships between the young cast, with the teenage problems of cadets and SeeDs within Balamb Garden being offset by the looming threat of Galbadia and the dangerous atmosphere it casts over even the sweetest of moments. Detailed writers are to be found herein, as well as canon personalities and an uncertain future that anyone can influence.

Balamb Garden students are playable between ages 15-19.

Quistis Trepe ♦, Selphie Tilmitt ♦, General Caraway ♦, Fujin, Raijin, Xu, the son of Mayor Dobe, the children of Kiros Seagill and Ward Zabac, and more.

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Mundus District :: A Multi - Fandom RPG! [02 Jan 2009|03:49am]
::Rules::Application::Character List::Wanted Characters::Holds::Housing::
Mundus District, located in the city of London.....Ontario.
Odd and strange things have been happening in the district. Its been receiving new tennents...they just don't know it yet.

All over the world, people have been falling asleep in their homes, only to wake up in a new apartment, on a street they don't recognize.

No one seems to know why, but who would really care? London is a wonderful place, just off of Lake Huron. The rooms have everything they need, and the city is full of fun and interesting things to do.

Bars, casinos, fine dining, ample employment....what will you do with your stay in Mundus District?

Many characters are wanted from different fandoms, including: The Master (Doctor Who), Martha Jones (Doctor Who), Donna Noble (Doctor Who), Sarah-Jane Smith (Doctor Who), Mickey Smith (Doctor Who), Sam Tyler (Life on Mars), Hiro Nakamura (Heroes), Noah Bennett (Heroes), Angel (Buffy), Spike (Buffy), Harry Potter, Cedric Diggory (Harry Potter), Chad Danforth (HSM), Sharpay Evans (HSM), Taylor McKessie (HSM), Troy Bolton (HSM), Ryan Evans (HSM), Commodore Norrington (PotC), Will Turner (PotC), Elizabeth Swann (PotC) and MANY MORE! Come check us out!
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[02 Jan 2009|06:46pm]

tell a tale

cast page in character out of character mod journal

the premise the rules tale & pb holds wanted list the application resources

contact list friend all button character birthdays awards for fun character change form character drop form

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Devil's Towere [02 Jan 2009|07:57pm]

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FOLKLORISTICS [02 Jan 2009|11:36pm]

Folklore is the essence of the cultural inheritance of a people.
Fiction may betray them and documented history may miss their
spirit entirely, but folklore is their very breath. ~ M.C. Boatright

FOLKLORISTICS: A New Game of Myths, Fables, and Legends
Information available at [info]antiquarians

Premise & FAQ / Rules / Cast List / Held Characters / Application

Opening January 9, 2009
Accepting Holds and Applications Today!
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