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Chaos Theory [24 Oct 2008|02:18pm]

X-Men. The Powerswap.

Now Open! Students Wanted!

Premise // Taken & Held // Wanted // Rules // Application // Salem Academy

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[24 Oct 2008|04:33pm]

Gotham City, once the most pristine city in the world, will never be the same again.

Nearly thirty years ago, the city began to struggle. The gap between the rich and the poor was only growing and violent crime was on the rise. Those who fought this corruption found themselves admired by few. It was only after the death of Gotham's golden couple, Thomas and Martha Wayne, that the corruption escalated The city fell into despair and the silent mobs who had operated in the background for decades, rose to power.

No one dared to stand up to the mob and the reasons were clear; you either join or become a public enemy. Various corporations, businesses, and law enforcement establishments fell into mob control, leaving citizens in the midst of mafia power struggles. The innocent suffered or were forced to give in. No one was safe and the more time that passed, the more power the mafia gained.

Early 2007, a mysterious figure appeared to fight these criminals. His courage has influenced others to take a stand over the year, but the mafia still controls the majority of the city. The lone man, dubbed 'The Batman', is going to have more to worry about than the mob in his city. Despite the fear he has struck into the hearts of organized crime, another form of villain has started to emerge. Donning their own costumes, these criminals are turning the work of the Batman against him.

But Batman does not fight alone. His work has inspired others to take the law into their own hands. These caped vigilantes are as eager to protect Gotham as the Batman, whether he accepts the help or not.


Premise » Rules » Taken » Available » Requests » PBs/Holds » Application

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