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Back March 26th, 2012 Forward
lilithnaamah [userpic]

Hello! my name is Sari, and I will playing at A Dangerous Twist on LJ when it starts on April 13th. This is a an AU game that diverges from canon at the point where the trio escape from Gringott's. Basically, Voldemort catches onto them much sooner and gets the diadem from Hogwarts before they can get there. The war, therefore, has continued for another five years, and it's up to us to end it one way or another.

We're definitely all looking for characters of all sorts, including Remus Lupin, Fred Weasley and Severus Snape (among many others), but I'm personally looking for someone.

I play Tracey Davis, who is just being released from Azkaban after a four month stint. What I am looking for is a a Death Eater handler to make her his/her errand girl and otherwise make her life miserable. This would only be a subplot for whomever decided to take up the role, but it would be huge for Tracey, as she'll be following his/her directions while simultaneously trying to destroy all his colleagues in a personal vendetta. Just to say, I do NOT want this relationship to be sexual, or turn sexual, but a possible protege/mentor situation, though I don't expect Tracey to much like her mentor.

I think this relationship would be a lot of fun and have a lot of potential for interaction, sarcasm and a fair amount of violence. Really, any death eater would do.

There are a lot of openings besides, but for a rarity, we have a full trio. So come check us out, and I hope to see you there!

Back March 26th, 2012 Forward