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Back January 7th, 2012 Forward
Anakin Skywalker | Star Wars [userpic]

Want a Dark Next-Gen game that is realistic? Then perhaps [info]targetedmods might be for you! Set in 2027 a group known as UNKNOWN is targeting anything that is magical - no one is safe no matter your name or Blood Status. Especially with people turning up dead...

Molly here isn't your typical run of the mil Weasley and is looking specifically for her full-sister Lucy Weasley and their half brother Jackson Bulstrode. Percy and Audrey have divorced and he's remarried to Kim Bulstrode the cousin to Millicent. Also the rest of the Weasley's wont' go amiss either! Did I mention Molly hates them for what they did to her father.

There's a lot of other characters open too including the Potter children, the Scamanders and many others. You have the option of making up your own family or going with one of the premade ones too! We're hoping to open Jan 20 or when there's 10 individual players.

Back January 7th, 2012 Forward