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Back March 5th, 2008 Forward

I'm Sofia, 20 years old, and play Adrian Pucey. He's in HP Lexicon,, here:

Pucey, Adrian Slytherin c.1989 - 1996 or 1990 - 1997; Quidditch team, Chaser (PS11, CS10, OP19).
Since he was on the Slytherin team during Harry's first year (PS11), he was at least a year ahead of Harry; since he was still there during Harry's fifth year (OP19), he's no more than two years ahead of Harry, assuming he's up to scratch academically.

My PB is Jonathan Rhys Meyers. Adrian is Irish, has a little sister, who he adores, but has a pretty darn tough exterior. He loves the ladies, although in the last RPG I was in, he had a bit of a thing with his years-younger roommate Malcolm Baddock. He's a smoker, a little bit of a drinker, if this is unallowed, then too bad. He can cut out the drinking but the smoking he cannot do without. He's a bit of a jerk also, but he is on the Quidditch team, which is canon, and in Slytherin house.

He and I have journals here, in LJ, and GJ.

somewhere buried in that comm.

Current Mood: hopeful
Back March 5th, 2008 Forward