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Monday, February 25th, 2013
7:27p - Lots and lots of love
So. I love a lot of the characters that I come across. It's hard to pick just a few to gush about so I will definitely have to make many return trips to this comm.

1. WC & RC Dean-Nel does a fantastic job with Dean. She's got his voice down perfectly and strikes just the right amount of humor and manpain/levity. Love him. I also love how he's gone in two very different directions and both are very different but both make a ton of sense based on how he's developed.

2. On that note, I also adore LW Dean (I do love Deans when they're done well!) Lilah does a wonderful job with him as well. He's dead on and we've done a lot of fun stuff with Dean so far between BRS and LW.

3. LW Johnny. LOVE Johnny. And the whole Johnny/Mary craziness. There is so much depth to this OC of Mila's. The backstory is heartwrenching, the character is a quirky take on a vigilante. He's got a fun sense of humor, and there is a lot of fun to be had with the time travel aspect of it. So much love.

4. LW & RC Harry-Dyan does such a fantastic job with Harry Dresden. I've seen her play him from three different points in canon and take him in three different directions and they're all still so very HARRY.

5. RC Bruce Wayne-Trish has his voice just down. She kills me with how Bat-ty he is. He's not exactly cute and cuddly-in fact he's downright prickly so it's fantastic to see him when he's letting his guard down just a little bit.

So. This was not a super-short list. And this is just the start. There are a lot of great players spread across the three games I frequent and a lot of fun characters to play with. I am a happy RPer.

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