Perhaps all the quiet simply wasn't good for him. In the before, with Mary and the children, life had always been about noise. It had been lost to him in boredom before, but there had always been noise of people around - to finally have quiet he thought a revelation, an epiphany that entered his mind as if Stede had lost a part of himself to that noise. But he was slowly coming to the realisation that silence didn't suit him either. There had to be more to existence than simply waiting for something exciting to happen. Noise wasn't noise when you were part of the crowd shouting.
Still, he nevertheless felt anchored by the steadying weight of Ed's arms around his middle to center him back to their reality. Like it or not, they had to make the best of what they had instead of wishing for islands to explore and natives to barter with. Island life was still better than death threats and secrecy, after all.
"Perhaps you should stab me. Metaphorically speaking, I mean. We shouldn't simply waste away in boredom and booze, should we? Who knows truly where the boundaries of the ocean lie here, maybe there's a pocket of an escape route nobody else has found. That's something to look for, isn't it?"