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[Apr. 2nd, 2008|04:20 am]
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Who: Donnie and OPEN
Where: Blockbuster
When: April 1st, evening

Whenever he closed his eyes, he saw her. At first he'd assumed it was Rachel, warped to resemble someone else by his subconscious, but it wasn't. This woman, whoever she was, had nothing to do with his girlfriend.

She was familiar though, this stranger. As soon as sleep took over she'd be there, her sculpted hands brushing against his cheek and through his hair, making him feel calm and comfortable in his own mind. For a recurring dream, it wasn't all that bad.

It was just a pity he couldn't remember her. Once he woke up, the woman's face, her eyes, her smile were gone and out of his head, as if they'd never been there in the first place. The only time he remembered what she looked like was when he was asleep. That didn't mean he didn't think about her during waking hours, though. In fact, thinking about his dream woman was starting to be one of Donnies favourite ways to pass the time...which was why he decided it had to stop.

Moving his eyes over the shelf, Donnie picked up a dvd and stared blankly at the cover. He wasn't here to rent a dvd, not really. Movies made him sleepy, but Rachel was out and it wasn't like he read books. He just needed something to occupy him, to stop him thinking about a woman who wasn't real.
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[Mar. 28th, 2008|03:09 am]
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Who: Donnie and OPEN
Where: Hot Topic
When: Monday afternoon

Donnie yawned and shifted the phone against his ear, waiting for the person on the other end to find the papers she was looking for. They were supposed to have a delivery, only the delivery hadn't turned up and chasing it up so that the date and time could be rescheduled was not something he'd really wanted to do. Why did these things always happen on a Monday?

He felt shitty. He'd felt shitty for the past few days, really. Galen's weird boyfriend had fucked up his trip, and with Rachel being pissed at him, it didn't make the comedown any better. Donnie had been off over the weekend, but now he was back at work and that made the shittiness rolling about in his gut ten times worse than it had been before.

Saturday night was haunting him too. He'd felt something, a genuine spark of...something with Galen. Rach had said he was probably love-drunk off the X, but it felt like more than that. It felt like something had clicked into place.

What though, Donnie didn't know. Maybe he'd just met somebody cool. It seemed to be the only thing that made sense...

"...hello? Hello, is someone there?"

Donnie blinked and returned to the land of the living. "Uh yeah, I'm here, sorry."

Sifting through the think pile of invoices, he scribbled a number down, nodding at the voice on the phone as he made a note of the new delivery date in the calendar. Joy.
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[Mar. 22nd, 2008|04:28 pm]
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[mood | anxious]

Who: Galen and OPEN
Where: Bar
When: Late Friday Night

Galen didn’t know why he was there, without Val. He’d sort of snuck out too, forgoing all the distractions his lover had given him, and all the reasons to stay in his bed curled up next to a warmth that was unmistakable…and irreplaceable. He did like Val…maybe really love him. He thought he loved Val, but sometimes he wasn’t sure. How were you supposed to know things like that?

But he was here, at the club with the flier and paying off half like the clerk guy had said. He was looking for someone he didn’t have a name off…could barely remember what he looked like. But he and Pasi could remember what he felt like.

Not in the handing hands, or hugs sort of feel. It was more of…presence. A taste of nostalgia and longing because there was something old and ancient and unexplainable. Rational thought couldn’t hold a candle to it because it was all as irrational as having a Goddess living in your head.

Even if it were a true.

Dressed in low-rise black, girl style jeans and a AFI tight tee-shirt. He had a belt, and navy blue and white shoes that were vaguely reminiscent of keds. And the whole look was topped off with a hoodie he’d bought at hot topic the other day, makeup that made him look more like a girl than a boy, and clean…brushed black hair.

The music was loud, and he wrinkled his nose a little, hands stuffed in pockets as he squeezed around hoards of Goths and Rocker all intermingled in a frightening mixture of genre clashing. And he, the lone Emo boy trying to go unnoticed while pitching himself up on toes to stare about the crowd wide-eyed in search of a nameless face.

This was probably one of the most ridiculous things he’d ever done. And this was so not his scene.
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[Mar. 19th, 2008|08:41 pm]
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[mood | cheerful]

Who: Galen and Donnie
Where: Hot Topic
When: Thursday, mid-day

Galen had been poking about Hot Topic for close to an hour when he decided on several items for purchase. Several band tee-shirts, they made excellent wear for raves. Along with a few non-band tee-shirts to mix things up. Probably five shirts all together. He also bought a Tripp Black Gunmetal Black Hoodie. Along with a pair of Tripp Black Pyramid Studded pants too…

And last, but certainly not least, Galen had to bring home a Skelanimals Marcy Monkey Plushie, as it was decidedly too cute not to give a home. And it was the last one on the shelf!

When his phone started to ring, though, with the ever present calling for Galen’s face to pup up at a party, he sighed and wanted to the till. Plopping his stuff on the counter, the black-nailed, make-uped, black-haired, decked out in punk boy started to play with the plushie like a 14 year old boy with no common sense.

At least he was smiling. Brightly.
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