Second Chances...

What happens when you're given a second chance?


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Posts Tagged: '%7Eex:+teen+wolf+stiles+stilinski'

May. 5th, 2022



[no subject.]

I know it's not real. Not. Real. Make it stop.

Apr. 25th, 2022



[no subject.]

How does this happen? Just how.

I went to the store to get some peanut butter cups because...I need peanut butter cups, okay? And there were none! Not a single one, not a single two pack or fun size bag. Just...nothing. No peanut butter cups at all! Not even the sugar free kind, thanks. But none!


Apr. 3rd, 2022



[no subject.]

I think I have finally exceeded the amount of duct tape Roscoe can handle. Which really sucks because I can't afford a repair shop. And because my jeep makes me feel a little less homesick. But not if I can't drive it. If it just sits in the lot, what's the point? I've always been able to count on my jeep. Less than a month here, and it's just...dead.

Mar. 21st, 2022



[text] kara danvers

So...the Fortress of Solitude is here. I saw it while I was flying around. I did wish for it when I met the leprechaun but I admit I wasn't sure that was something he could make happen.

Mar. 19th, 2022



[no subject.]

I was told I should introduce myself. I am Severus Snape, former Potions Master and Headmaster at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Whatever has brought me here either has impeccable timing or terrible timing.

Mar. 14th, 2022



[no subject.]

Scott! Scott! SCOTT!

It's here! My jeep is here!

Mar. 11th, 2022



Network Post: Raksha Keller

I can s The full moon is right after St. Patrick's Day. That's bound to be trouble.



[no subject.]

No no no no no no no nonononononono.

This is not...This isn't...I shouldn't...I can't...This isn't right. I go home. I need to be home. In Beacon Hills, not San Fran. No offense. I just...have things...I need to do...not here.

My dad. Scott. Malia. Lydia. Everything was such a mess. I can't leave in the middle of it. Why am I here? This isn't right. It's not fair. I need to go home. Send me back right now!

Nov. 14th, 2021



[no subject.]

I'm not saying I found a loophole around whatever is keeping these beasts alive, but Shithead is now in a never ending portal loop. I tried just sending him into one but he kept coming back but if I put two side by side, when he comes out of one he just goes through the other.

Nov. 11th, 2021



[no subject.]


[Teens (and like, up to 20ish can be included, he's not picky)]

Welcome to the first of many meetings of the Still Needs a Better Name Peter Parker Social Club!

Laser tag got a lot of interest so maybe Saturday night? We were thinking twice a month and with all the holidays bombarding us at once, it might be tough to get more stuff in, but this way everyone can get to know each other better! We're kind of in this together so we may as well try and make friends and get along.

So Saturday at 7? The place downtown has good pizza, too, so we can stay and eat and play in the arcade for a while, too.




HYPOTHETICALLY SPEAKING how much trouble would someone get in for trying to football kick a turkey but they missed and now a whole mail box is missing is that like a federal crime

Nov. 10th, 2021



[no subject.]

I like to eat turkey. I do not like having a pet turkey. Especially one that won't shut the hell up.

Nov. 8th, 2021



[no subject.]

I feel like I am starting all over again.....I never was good at this whole making friends thing.

Nov. 5th, 2021



Network: Pepper Potts-Stark

I found my Rescue suit in my bedroom. It is in mint condition so it was before the awful battle. I hope this is not a bad omen.

Nov. 4th, 2021



[no subject.]

My Jeep showed up! No more walking around for this guy.

Nov. 1st, 2021



[no subject.]

It's been almost twelve hours and my hair is still green. Is anyone else having this problem?

Oct. 24th, 2021



[no subject.]

Okay now that I am not having a mild panic attack could I maybe get some more info about this place?

Oct. 23rd, 2021



[no subject.]

I hate bats. Just for the record.


Midterm coming up in two weeks. I'll be passing out the study guide on Monday. Make sure you get your reading done.


Going out tonight if anyone is interested in joining me.


You owe me a shirt.



Network: May Parker

That was an awful trick of the mind. I think I hugged the stuffing out of Peter after. What was up with those bats too?

Oct. 21st, 2021




It is somewhat comforting that no matter the school, teenagers seem to remain the same.

To those I've not yet met in person: I'm Dimitri Belikov. Yes, I am happy to help you retrieve things off high shelves. No, I have never played basketball in my life. (Those seemed to be the common questions from the students)