Second Chances...

What happens when you're given a second chance?


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Posts Tagged: '%7Eex:+star+wars+luke+skywalker'

Nov. 30th, 2022



[no subject.]

I'm still trying to figure out this whole alternate me thing but at least I wasn't a jerk.


You know that I think of you as family regardless of blood, right? Also, I think Han and Leia would have loved having you as a daughter.


It's good to be me again. It was strange not knowing you. I much prefer knowing you if that makes any sense.



Network: May Parker


Sep. 30th, 2022



[no subject.]

Is it just me or does it sometimes feel hard to keep track of time? I was trying to remember how long I'd been here but I can't pinpoint it.

Aug. 22nd, 2022



[no subject.]

I need someone to come to the third floor. Daisy and I were out patrolling and something got her. She's hurt, it seems pretty bad. I have her in a healing trance right now but I need to get her somewhere safe and I can't control the trance and move her.


Can you sense this thing? Because I didn't. It was just there all of a sudden with no warning. I don't like this at all.

Jul. 2nd, 2022



Network: Steve Rogers

Okay, farming this out to the community mind, because I'm at a loss.

I received five pints of pickle and onion ice cream in yesterday's mystery delivery. Now, normally I would just throw it away, but I think that's crime against nature. I could melt it all and pour it down the drain, but I don't want to contaminate the local water table. Giving it to a food bank or local soup kitchen seems like a crime against humanity. Would putting it in an active volcano be too much? How about sending into the Sun?


Jun. 19th, 2022



Network: Leo Skywalker

Fine. I'll give in. Who else is here? Please tell me we'll figure out a way to fix this soon. I'm not a huge fan of revisiting the past.

Jun. 18th, 2022



NextGen | Leia Skywalker

Has anyone heard of a Leopold coming through with the rest of us? I thought I felt his presence when I first arrived, but now I'm not sure. Though, he does have a habit of wandering off.

May. 31st, 2022



Texts to Daisy

>> I realized yesterday that I've never taken you on a proper date.
>> Forgive me, we kind of do things backwards where I come from.
>> Seems like people just get engaged and then date.
>> Makes no sense to me.
>> Anyway, would you be interested in having dinner with me on Friday night if you can get a sitter for Molly?
>> You can choose where we go. It's all new to me so I'll try anything when it comes to food.

May. 29th, 2022



[no subject.]

I'm taking a poll....for science.

What is your favourite ice cream flavour?

May. 19th, 2022



[no subject.]

San Francisco! What a treat! Normally I get stuck in LA or Star City when I come to this coast, but so far this place is better than both. Hands down. And not just because I got money and a place to live just for showing up, I swear. Gotham has a similar welcome program, though that's usually a vial of fear toxin antidote and a one-way ticket to literally anywhere else.

Anyway, I'm Emily. Lia, if we're friends, which I hope we'll all be. Some of you might know me from my talk show, or modeling career. I was also a superhero for a while, Looker, if you wanna put a face to a not-at-all secret identity. I'm over that whole thing now, happy to move on to a life where people don't actively try to punch me or make me sit under hot studio lighting. Retirement is about having fun, right? That's what I want to do. Anybody know where I can find some fun?

May. 16th, 2022



Network Post: Mordecai Roberts


May. 2nd, 2022



[no subject.]

Yesterday's impromptu "luau" - that's what it was called, correct? - was a lot of fun! I had fun trying all the different foods!

Apr. 10th, 2022



open net | rey skywalker

I worried that adding a second kitten to the household might not have gone well, but I'm pleased to say that Lyra and Luna seem to be quite at home with each other.

cut for image, not filtered )

Apr. 8th, 2022



[no subject.]

I'm glad the kids thought it was just some "yay it's Friday" treat, but I really hadn't planned on leading AP Physics in Thriller. There is apparently now much debate on whether I'm the coolest teacher or the dorkiest teacher. Both are absolutely acceptable.

[Steve, Tony 1, Thor, Nat]
Captain, is this flirting we're witnessing here?

Apr. 7th, 2022



[no subject.]

As thoroughly disappointing as it is to be in a universe where my limited edition reality show never aired, I'm honestly grateful I got the chance to charm everyone with the theme song this morning.

Of course, it happened to be while I was at Party City, but I'm sure they enjoyed it as much as my fanbase!

Apr. 3rd, 2022



[no subject.]

I think I have finally exceeded the amount of duct tape Roscoe can handle. Which really sucks because I can't afford a repair shop. And because my jeep makes me feel a little less homesick. But not if I can't drive it. If it just sits in the lot, what's the point? I've always been able to count on my jeep. Less than a month here, and it's just...dead.

Apr. 1st, 2022



[no subject.]

I know that my world celebrates different holidays from this one. Sometimes I understand it and sometimes I don't. Like today. What exactly are we celebrating by putting glue on someone's toilet seat? I'll spare the details but getting up was not fun.



Network: May Parker

My hair is a lovely shade of purple. Judging from Thor and Bruce's exchange, pranks are going around?

[FILTER: Ned Leeds & Peter Parker]

Ned, what do you want to do for your birthday, honey?



[no subject.]

Dee? Thor? I love you both dearly, you know that. But whichever one of you put glue in my shampoo has dish duty for the next two weeks.

Mar. 19th, 2022



[no subject.]

I really didn't think the whole leprechaun thing was real but it is. I told the one I found today that I wanted a little Jedi temple for meditation and study with a Force tree. I'll be damned if there isn't one now in an obscure corner of Golden Gate Park. I don't think anyone else can see it, at least it doesn't appear so but it's definitely real.


Would you and Molly like to come see it. She will love the tree and it's safe to climb.