Second Chances...

What happens when you're given a second chance?


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Posts Tagged: '%7Eex:+night+world+raksha+keller'

May. 19th, 2022



Network Post: Raksha Keller

[Scott McCall]
Want to run?

[Shifters - Scott]
Stiles is gone.

May. 10th, 2022



Network: Albus Potter


We don't really have graduation and prom in my world. Apparently you have things called "promposals" here? I'd like to ask someone, but how big do I need to go?



Network Post: Raksha Keller

Do we know what happens to the people who disappear?

[Galen Drache]
I found something. We should go.

May. 5th, 2022



[no subject.]

I know it's not real. Not. Real. Make it stop.

May. 4th, 2022





but we are totally having a club house and it's NO GHOSTS ALLOWED and if you want to come sit with us you can I brought board games and i'm making pillow forts and we can figure out other stuff

iiiiiiiii don't think the ghosts can read signs but we can pretend and TOTALLY IGNORE THEM and do other stuff

we can watch movies on a laptop too

and coloring books and I have so many Lucky Charms still for snacks also

Apartment [random unoccupied one, shh]

Apr. 23rd, 2022



[no subject.]

Usually, when I end up somewhere new, it doesn't come with a check, new tech and a place to live. Not complaining though, even if $5000 in California is barely enough to get a cup of coffee, I'll happily take it. Who knows, might use the check to hit the lotto and afford a burger or two. On second though, nah, my luck is crap.

So anyway, I'm Adam. Hi.



[no subject.]

I don't usually make much of a fuss for my birthday, but I thought maybe this year I could make an exception since Dad is here I'll be officially 18 and everything. So, May 2nd. I'm thinking we can just have it at Rousseau's, like in one of the back rooms or something.

Apr. 15th, 2022



[no subject.]

Sad to say, this isn’t even the top five out of the weirdest things that have happened to me.

Q said I should introduce myself and shit, so, hi, I’m Julia. My daughter, Hope, made the trip with me, so I guess I’m going to need a go to for baby clothes and supplies. We picked up some things yesterday, but I have a feeling I’m going to need more really soon.

Apr. 11th, 2022



[no subject.]

Cobra Kai Dojo is ready to open for business.

Apr. 10th, 2022



open net | rey skywalker

I worried that adding a second kitten to the household might not have gone well, but I'm pleased to say that Lyra and Luna seem to be quite at home with each other.

cut for image, not filtered )

Apr. 9th, 2022



[no subject.]

I hope I'm not speaking too soon but I haven't seen or heard anyone randomly singing today. Could that mean that whatever it was has decided they're tried of listening to us? I really hope it's not the government doing it because if it is, they must be really bored.

Mar. 17th, 2022



[no subject.]

I’m going to be hanging at Pat O’s tonight just because I can if anyone feels like coming out for St Paddy’s. I miss Dec It’d probably be better with some company.

Okay, I know there are more of us out there. I’ve got a decent place to run on the full tomorrow if anyone else is interested. Whether you have to turn or it’s voluntary.

Mar. 13th, 2022



[no subject.]

This was way better than my last leprechaun experience.

image, not filtered )

Mar. 11th, 2022



Network Post: Raksha Keller

I can s The full moon is right after St. Patrick's Day. That's bound to be trouble.

Mar. 9th, 2022



[net post] galen drache

This isn’t someplace I intended to end up, but I suppose that’s what everyone says.

My name is Galen Drache. It is a honor to meet all of you.

Did I mention how grateful I am that you’re here, at least?

Mar. 5th, 2022



[no subject.]

Hey, I wanted to let everyone know that Peni Parker went home. Son of a Bitch! I hope it wasn't anything I did. I really liked the kid, you know? Also, Surprise! I'm not 14 anymore.

To Sam and Charlie

Can we have dinner together soon? It's too quiet around here

To Rose

How are you doing?

Mar. 1st, 2022



March 1st - Hope Mikaelson

Well, that was a thing that happened.

Filtered to Friends* but blocked from Klaus
When I was little, about the age I just was, my dad had to leave to protect me from The Hollow. I didn’t really see or talk to him until until I was 15 and I used to feel like he was disappointed that I wasn’t the little girl he remembered anymore. It was weird to feel like the reverse was true, even though, logically, I know he loves me no matter what.

A shrink would probably say there’s something to it. Where’s a good therapy box when you need it?

[*OOC: feel free to assume, included friends she made while she was little]

Feb. 27th, 2022



[no subject.]

Hi I’m Rey!

Luke said I should say hello.

I’m making a list of things to try in this planet. What do you sug… rec… think I should put on it?

Feb. 25th, 2022



[no subject.]

When I said I wanted more time with my daughter, I hardly meant to have her revert back to a younger version of herself.

Feb. 19th, 2022



Network Post: Raksha Keller

Is anyone taking care of all these children?