This is pretty much why I always told Nate to stop playing around in his Time Tube Dimensional Gateway thing.
You don't mess with time and traveling and putting the two together.
Bad things happen.
If you're going to pop through dimensions and do the teleport whooshy thing, call America Chavez, cool? Cool.
I'm Kate. Hawkeye if I don't know you. Also, basically an Avenger. No, definitely an Avenger.
Still debating why I thought it would a good idea to do this school thing? Responsible, sure. Good for me? Maaaybe? Time-consuming? Most definitely.
I have a three page syllabus for one class.
THREE. PAGE. SYLLABUS.I've written mission debriefings for infiltrating AIM and HYDRA facilities in three paragraphs or less.
I need post-it notes. Lots of them. And a cork board. And string. Clint, come supply shopping with me. And don't take all the purple post-its and highlighters this time!