Second Chances...

What happens when you're given a second chance?


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Posts Tagged: '%7Eex:+his+dark+materials+asriel+belacqua'

Nov. 2nd, 2024



Network: Tony Stark

There has been quite a few new faces. For those I have yet to meet, I'm Tony Stark. Yes, there are two of me running around.

[FILTER: Steve]

Honey, where are you?



Network: May Parker

I know we are all very excited to get to Christmas, but let's not skip Thanksgiving! I need a headcount. Pepper and I are hosting our family, of course, but anyone without a place to go is invited.

Oct. 27th, 2024



Network: Louis du Lac


Other than that, this day has started out great.

Next time I see an imp, I'm going to eat it.

Oct. 21st, 2024



[no subject.]

Station Poll --- what is everyone's favorite candy? I want to make sure I have the best candy in the building.

[Alexis, Loki, Jen, Mobius, Asriel, and Sylvie]

I was thinking that we should do family dinner once a week. Or maybe once a month?

Yes, Sylvie, you have to attend.

Oct. 15th, 2024



Network Post: Claudia

If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?

[Filter: Louis and Lestat]
I want to go on a trip. Maybe back home, or maybe somewhere new. But I want to go on my own.

I just thought I oughta tell you first.

Oct. 13th, 2024



Network: Mobius

Have I mentioned that I hate moving? I don't even have that much stuff, but it really is annoying. Maybe I'm just over uprooting my life. I've had enough of that to last multiple lifetimes, thanks.

Oct. 4th, 2024



[no subject.]

I guess since it's supposed to be hot this weekend for some reason, I thought it might be a good time to do a trip to the beach, if anyone wanted to join me. Just throwing that out there.


Since I didn't really have anything to move, I went ahead and just went over to the new apartment building. I took the smallest of the bedrooms since you've both got a lot more stuff than I do.

Wanted to let you know so you don't freak out if you notice I'm not at The Station anymore.

Sep. 24th, 2024



Network: May Parker

What looks yummy here? I plan to make a few during October!

Sep. 11th, 2024




So what we've learned was what the cupcakes were double-magic. The whole thing with the candle and then we got something! NEAT.

[ filtered; FAMILY ]
Guess who's got two thumbs and tickets to Disneyland?


Pick a weekend and we'll go so no one misses school. DISNEYLAND.



Network: Mobius M. Mobius

I still can’t quite believe it. After all these years, I finally got one of these babies!

Of course, it’s out of town at some lake, but who cares? I’ve wanted one for as long as I can remember! Who wants to come for a ride?

[Private to Asriel]

At some point we should take a weekend away, spend time with your new pony and have a night at a lake house and check out my new gift too? What do you think?

Sep. 9th, 2024



network; asriel belacqua

I knew there was something up with those cupcakes. Unless this is something completely unrelated. If that's the case, I am not sure who to thank but 'this' happens to be... well-

I have been gifted a horse apparently. A photograph of the lovely creature was left for me this morning. Marisa, you would have- What a beauty the little thing is. How about ideas for a proper name?

Sep. 4th, 2024



[no subject.]

Isn't this just quaint? Of all the timelines I've been to, I don't think I've ever managed San Francisco. And I'm already aware there was another me here not that long ago. I don't remember any of it, sorry if you were hoping otherwise.


I don't know if Thor already told you, but Angie stuck me in the apartment you and he share. I can- fuck off out of there if you'd prefer.

Nice to see you're okay.



Network: Louis du Lac

For reasons I won't go into, this is a hard day for me. I could use some suggestions for distractions that don't involve going out in the daylight. What've you got that's gonna get me out of my head until midnight-ish?

Sep. 3rd, 2024



Network: Vision

Fall decor is pleasing to view. I spent too much money on decorations for the apartment, but I think they'll cheer me and the boys up in light of recent events. Maybe we can have a door decorating contest like we did for the winter holidays?

Aug. 26th, 2024



[no subject.]

Apologies to our dear neighbors in advance, but I have found a beautiful baby grand piano for purchase that I will be bringing home soon.

The piano is a passion of mine and I have missed playing greatly. If there is anything someone would like to hear specifically, please let me know. I am more than happy to provide entertainment during the evenings.

Aug. 25th, 2024



network; asriel belacqua

I've used up all my paint. Or at least the ones of my favorite colors. I have a new painting project I would like to tackle and already have a model set up. Unfortunately, my last set of paints was a gift. Anyone know of any good shops that carry quality acrylic and water paints? There are so many here in this city. It's hard to choose one.

[ Mobius ]
I left early this morning but I hope you enjoyed the coffee made for you before leaving. Seems I need to be on the looks for employment of some kind here.

Jul. 3rd, 2024



Network: May Parker

I'll miss Ben tremendously. He was family.

Jun. 26th, 2024



[no subject.]

I don't want to be here anymore. Too many weird things keep happening. and i'm feeling pretty lonely.

Jun. 18th, 2024



[no subject.]

Are the birds still attacking? I’m feeling rather cooped up and I promised a certain someone a date.

Maybe we could make a run for it? Dinner and ugh dancing just isn’t the same at home.

[Private to Jen]

Please don’t tell him I said anything, but has Loki been acting strangely at all? I’m a little worried about him.

Jun. 16th, 2024




Everyone should really just be staying indoors as much as possible.

Do you have any idea how hard it is to be just a little guy when birds are the enemy?

Also relatedly:
If you see ants in your apartments please don't spray or otherwise do the whole pest control thing. They're trying to hide and I can't corral everyone where they can't be seen indoors. No one is asking for you to tip-toe everywhere, I just promise it's not an infestation.

Has anyone seen my wife? (Just kidding, I know where she is. I just wanted to use "my wife" in a sentence.)