Second Chances...

What happens when you're given a second chance?


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Posts Tagged: '%7Eex:+cobra+kai+samantha+larusso'

Apr. 2nd, 2023




Two Questions:

1. Who goes to the local high school because I'm starting there in the morning and IT'S GOING TO GO HORRIBLY I'd like to know at least ONE person there. Who isn't a teacher.

2. Does anyone know where I can buy bubble wrap in bulk?



[no subject.]

So the problem with your girlfriend having an IQ over 170 is that there's no doubt she's going to get into college and go on to win the Field's medal and meet some super smart math guy and meanwhile I'll be lucky enough to get accepted and

So I can't help but wonder about what I'll do if I don't actually get into college. I mean, it's not like I can go home and mooch off my dad.

Mar. 18th, 2023



19th March - Natasha Romanoff

Classes start back up at Cobra Kai dojo in a couple of weeks. I'm adding a few other options to the roster - dance, yoga, general self-defense as well as the traditional karate, if anyone's interested.

Let's plan a trip. Just the two of us.

Mar. 17th, 2023



[text] sam larusso

Well, Johnny's gone again.

Mar. 15th, 2023



[no subject.]

[Filtered away from Lydia]

Lydia’s birthday is on the 19th. She won’t want a big thing made of it but it would be cool if people could wish her a happy birthday. She deserves to have a good

[Filtered to Lydia]

If you were stranded on a desert island with only one thing to eat what would it be?

Feb. 18th, 2023



Network: Nancy Wheeler

Since things are finally settling down and I am very, very bored, does anyone want to check out a museum or two today? I can't say I've ever really gotten the chance to visit one of the big ones, and the Museum of Modern Art here has some interesting collections I kind of want to see.

Feb. 16th, 2023



[no subject.]

What the ever loving...

This is not happening. No.

Absolutely not.

Sam, are you still here?

Feb. 5th, 2023



[no subject.]


I hear this place likes to bounce me around.

If we were (new) friends before, I'm sorry I don't remember being here.

Jan. 22nd, 2023



[no subject.]


Moms gone. Again.

And these fucking cameras wont get out of my face.

Jan. 21st, 2023



Network: Carol Danvers

[Group: Reality Fashion TV Show]

Waking up and being told that I have 2 hours until makeup was not in my Saturday plans. What's going on??

Jan. 13th, 2023



[no subject.]

Talking and singing doesn’t make bugs any more appealing.

Jan. 10th, 2023



Network: Steve Rogers

I almost kicked a lemur as I was leaving the apartment this morning. ☹️ It ran away before I could apologize. ☹️

Dec. 18th, 2022



[no subject.]

.... So

I came home from work and I guess I uh... live by myself now?

That's totally cool and not super lonely at all.

Dec. 3rd, 2022



[text] sam larusso

[info]chances_net I have two dojos?

Dec. 2nd, 2022



[no subject.]

Kitty, you get full credit for putting the idea in my head, but my jeep just showed up. I'll pretend this doesn't make things feel a bit permanent

Nov. 8th, 2022



[text] sam larusso

What in the actual fuck?

Oct. 11th, 2022



[no subject.]

[Filtered to Peter's Crew]
[[ooc: look, I tried narrowing it down but he didn't want to forget anyone so if your character considers themselves a close teen friend of Peter's, you're in]]

So when Dee and I were talking ghost tours, I started looking up ones close by. Turns out the Winchester House is only about an hour away and they're having some seriously cool Halloween stuff. I mean, that place is creepy when it's not night time in October!

Anyone interested? My car only seats six but I was thinking hey, I've got the bus?? Then we do the VIP tour and maybe a late night diner dinner before heading home?

Oct. 4th, 2022



Network: Pepper Potts-Stark

Good afternoon, everyone! I wanted to announce that David, Alexis, and I are throwing a Halloween party on the roof on October 29th. All ages are invited. Costumes, food, drinks, games, you name it. Hopefully no surprises like last year.

Oct. 1st, 2022



[no subject.]

Art under the cut )

Tried something new.

Turns out, I don't like hot air balloons. Wildly overrated.

Sep. 15th, 2022



NETWORK: Cassie Lang
