Second Chances...

What happens when you're given a second chance?


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Posts Tagged: '%7E%21game+plot:+tricks+%26+treats'

Oct. 31st, 2024



Network Post: Julie Molina

[Filter: Band + Band fam]
I know everyone's had weird things happen and it was probably just that but I had this dream, except I was awake. We were playing at the Grammys!

It was so great. We were amazing.

Oct. 30th, 2024



Network: Matt Murdock

Anyone else ever almost been held in contempt because they suddenly have a laugh track in their lives?

Probably not, but there's always the first (and hopefully last) time.

Thank God for a judge with infinite patience.

Anyway, how's everyone else's day? I'm ending mine with a stiff drink.



[no subject.]

My hair is pink.

Please note that I did not grab a bottle of whatever color and turn it pink. It

Why is this holiday always so weird around here??



Network Post : Enid Sinclair

That was so gross, OMG. Chestnut curls and dreamy eyes?? Seriously? Way to screw with me, imp. And here I thought we were bros.

Thanks for having my back, fam.

[Filter: Luz|Enid]

I am so sorry. And I really like your hair. And you have pretty eyes. And a beautiful smile.

And you're the best.

Oct. 29th, 2024



Network Post: Julio Richter

Alright, what's your votes, what's the worst one of these you guys have heard about yet? Or the best?

How does a coffee date and then back to my place for a while sound tonight? I know you have to get out there and fight crime, but can I steal you for a little while first?



Network Post: Cat King

I really miss magic not working on me. I've been retching at the smell of meat since Sunday. I'm a cat. I'm supposed to be a carnivore.

You know, they do say that misery loves company, and yet here I am... alone...



[no subject.]

I think the strangeness hit me today. Everything smells like cookies. I mean everything.



[no subject.]

Am I the only one that is hearing music anywhere I go? It seems like it's the same tune, a very beautiful one. I'm just wondering why I hear it constantly. I'm afraid it might lull me to sleep wherever I go.



[no subject.]

Uh... Guys? Something weird is going on with me.

I touched my phone and it turned to gold? Or it looks like gold. Same thing happened to my doorknob. What do I do? Am I a literal Greek myth right now? I mean cool but

Kinda terrified right now. I'm using talk to text so I won't have to touch my phone again, so apologies for typos. D:

Oct. 28th, 2024



[no subject.]

I’m not panicking at all, but I haven’t able to sit down, lay down. I am literally floating in the air, this is strange!



[no subject.]

This is absolutely bullshit. If I'm going to look ridiculous, the least I could do is be able to fly. This feels like a personal attack somehow.



[no subject.]

Apparently I can make apples appear from out of nowhere and I might have done it too much... Anyone want some apples?

Oct. 27th, 2024



Network: Louis du Lac


Other than that, this day has started out great.

Next time I see an imp, I'm going to eat it.



[no subject.]

I walked through the park to get breakfast sandwiches for Strange and I... and these little babies have been following me since I passed the pond. I couldn't find the mom.

So, I guess I need six names? I can't tell what their genders are, so they have to be unisex.

Also, what do ducklings eat?



[no subject.]

UH--- guys.



I went to open my bedroom door and I accidentally ripped it off the hinges. and Now I'm a little bit afraid to touch anything else.

Oct. 26th, 2024




[ ooc; backdated to Saturday morning like 6am ish oops ]

JESUS FUCKING CHRIST I just about had a heart attack WHY does this place continue to be weird?

Unless you actually commissioned a life size cheese statue of yourself Stiles and are lying about it.



Text to Jason

Do you have eyes on Dick? He's acting weird.

I'm with Enid right now.

Oct. 27th, 2024



Network Post: Enid Sinclair

Those dreamy blue eyes, and those hands. So talented! 😍

I'm in love! 🥰

Oct. 26th, 2024



[no subject.]

Either I suddenly got sick overnight and lost my voice despite feeling perfectly fine or that little imp thing pulled an evil sea witch on me and stole it. Whichever it is, work is going to be impossible tonight.

Has anyone had anything GOOD happen to them after interacting with one of those or are they tricking people no matter what?

Oct. 25th, 2024



Maddie Han: net post

Has anyone had strange things happen to them? I’m so confused!