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Wednesday, March 9th, 2005

    Time Event
    *snort* I'm not the least bit surprised.

    Has Lindsay Lohan finally graduated from the J.Lo school of diva-like behavior? Two different sources report that the "It" girl (who takes up way too much space on this page, BTW), is really making movie and TV peeps miserable both in New York and New Orleans. According to Star, the actress angered MTV cast and crew in NYC recently when she stopped by to shoot a spring break special for the channel. "First she arrived late. Then she called her stylist to fix her hair after she read each line -- until a producer intervened," the mag snitches. "Finally, she angered the bikini-clad extras who were left shivering in the unheated room as she flubbed her lines." If that wasn't bad enough, an extra from the set of her upcoming flick has been blabbing on the internet about his bad experience working with Linds too. "In what could be considered the low point, I accepted a part as an extra in Lindsey Lohan's Just My Luck. Never again," he vows. "I trudged back and forth on the same city block for nearly three hours, while Ms. Lohan & Co. struggled to wrap up a ten-second scene in an air-conditioned bank. [After she finally finished her scene], she dashed into a white Cadillac SUV and sped away when the lunch bell rang." The anonymous blogger also goes on to say, "We got in tight with someone on the production crew, who confirmed our suspicions: the cast 'can't act,' and is 'kind of stupid.'" Wethinks maybe it's time for someone to head back to LA before there's a revolt on the East Coast.

    I'm not surprised one bit. Skank.

    Current Mood: amused

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